RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Inherent Belonging

Belonging is inherent in our human nature, causing us all to search for love in another person.
Sometimes finding it and enjoying a lasting relationship.
Other times falling along, alone, without anyone to hold, love or treasure us for who we are.
A saddened plight, never reversed, causing a disappointment in love and it's many promises.

Idly Loafing

Casually walking down hallways, not thinking or doing anything in particular.
Loafing idly, wanting to get in gear, it's just not happening right now.
Maybe later in time I'll gather the energy needed to move forward, but not now.

Hopefully Wishing

Wishing hopefully to see friends, visiting with them, talking, enjoying their company.
Sitting here day after day alone, in the hospital, no one stopping by - not even to say hi.
A depressing state of affairs in a life so full of nature and prayer.
Preferring to have company of friends and family now - here - while I'm alive.

Essences Free Us

Liberty and it's pursuit of us as we age, brings about exchanges in our attitudes and how we look at life.
Feeling the freedom, soaring beyond life's limits, we are allowed to become who we are inside.
Taking moments and delving into their essences frees us from other's expectations and we begin to see everything in a new light.

Hopes Of Strength

Waddling, rolling, hobbling,
down a hallway in a rehab center,
hoping to get stronger so they can
all go home where they are

Little Moments

Wide awake, yet dreaming of happier times
with friends at the center.
Talking, laughing, sharing with one another,
life's little moments of joy.

Visionary People

Seeing visions in prisms of life, figuring out their images hidden within beautiful colors of the rainbow.
Solitary thoughts momentarily colliding and untangling, becoming ideas of visionary people.

Realistic Designs

Noticing different details as they come into realistic designs of nature.
Settling on rich and vibrant tones with musical patterns of exotic sounds, written down in verdant pastures of verse.
Touching aspects of imagination's images with purposeful intent and decisive action.

A Wakeful Dream

Lying in a wakeful dream, wondering how it feels to be myself in this twisted darkness of fate.
Wanting to forget the world and it's trials as I grow older, hoping the stairs to enlightenment are in front of me.
Lying here in a wakeful dream, mind thinking of many options open to me, wondering how life is going to feel in the future of my destiny.

Other Sides Of Twilight

Hidden in a corner of life, not wanting to become part of it because of all the turmoil being caused by other people.
Twisting and turning, wanting to avoid facing anything right now.
Looking out into the darkened distance at other sides of twilight as it holds a fascination within my mind.
Wandering through a variety of entrances and exits, sauntering down vacant lots, just to see what is there.

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