RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Creative Dexterity

Lightening striking, electrifying thought, breaking through any animosity left over from yesterday.
Pinpointing dexterity of creativeness as it splits and separates into many corners of imagination, then regathers on a desert plain, cognitively preparing every sense for a multiplicity of energy.

Gentle Inventiveness

Bluer than a deeper depression sitting on my brain, taking up room meant for thoughts to generate creativeness upon request.
Silently taking steps to make shapes, forms and patterns into many mosaics of gentle inventiveness, edged with a brilliance of total ingenuity, and made appropriately without a single thought of sadness in mind.

Solidifying Gentle Faith

Sanctuaries of placid serenity creep upon me daily, taking me into depths of an all-encompassing love of God and nature, solidifying a gentle faith with a hope of fidelity held in check.
Placing a nondescript behavior into a face on a screen, writing it carefully into many poems of usefulness.

Literate Rides

Listlessly portraying life in words of poetry, sanguinely listening to their promises as I wait in expectant hopes for classical compositions, touching nerve endings of imagination.
Billowing clouds above, fingering notes as I playfully write and endure hours of concentration.

Sending Life

Stymieing thoughts, grating them against emotions, pushing into a very tumultuous eruption, speeding exactness of necessity into a placement of tidal motion.
Seething slowly, regurgitating many ideas into vats of solace as they are juggled and sought out after every giant movement.
Sending life scattering into directions of bliss, following precise quotas of afterthought.

Rush Of Freedom

Seesawing on a rhythm, getting higher in sensational words of poetry.
Timing, following the beats into an interchange with fantasy's journey.
Floating on the ocean, heading out to sea with no worries holding onto me.
A rush of freedom, sending me into depths of extra-sensory perception with a total knowledge at my disposal, through musical intonation.

Resting In Pieces

Resting in pieces of being, stretching legs and arms, not reaching for any of them, happy to see them lying on the floor.
Where once I was whole, now being broken into many shards and pieces, not letting any one near enough to help me sweep them up.
No more conflicts, no arguments to speak of anymore.

Needing Solutions

Indentations across my mind are constantly being filled with questions where solutions need to be found in particles outside the atom.
Thinking, becoming unlimited as all passes and pushes outside the constraining box.
Lifting imagination into denizens of heavenly scents, filling it with all types of invigorating rhythms to live with.

Common Ground

Looking over my shoulder, remembering the past, holding onto it's truths so I can progress in the future to where I'm supposed to be.
A common ground between yesterday and tomorrow, able to walk back and forth across it, holding the pictures of memory in my soul, forever.

Golden Voice

Shaking voice, singing through her heart's love of music.
An adorable woman, not afraid to show her age through her voice.
Singing out with a vibrant joy, allowing her to state notes in a melodic composition.
A truly gifted woman, getting on in years with a voice, golden to God's ears.

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