RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Wisdom's Shores

Stringing together, thoughts, arbitrarily strengthening arguments of furtive questioning, bringing up facets of truthful piety.
Interludes melding with experiences of intellect as they rise above levels of distinction, capsizing on shores of wisdom, looking for exceptional dimensions of excellence in an environment of truth and honesty.

Enjoying Freedom

Youngsters, happy, elated, at peace with their small enclosed worlds.
Contented with their surroundings, enjoying the freedom afforded them.
Participating in life to the fullest, capable of an energy of modest proportions.
Steadily moving to inner rhythms heard deeply within.

Soul's Symmetry

Centering amidst camouflaged interpretations of reality.
Succeeding at many artistic endeavors, savoring every morsel of meaning derived from inner meetings of the soul.
Symmetry of the soul meeting with musical patterns of existent theories, tantamount to genius of imaginational depths.

Awakening Gifts

Remembering younger days of dancing, hiking, climbing, camping, fishing, and boating.
Solemn memories of the good life I led in spite of being poor.
Nature culminating in my mind, showing me it's secrets, defining touches of life as it circles inner beings of talent.
Shining into my soul with a brightness given only by God, awakening gifts so I may glorify Him all my life.

Parchments Of Imagination

Written words fall softly onto pages of eternity, like teardrops from heaven.
Lasting treasures repeated daily in collections of literature.
Pictures of life are held tenderly in portrayals of paintings made in poems of thought.
Allowing for ideas to form and be shaped as pens continually place ink onto parchments of imagination.

Rotund Silence

Hopes Of Faith

Woebegone moments of articulate emotional content rise up, pulling me into seas of yesterday, drowning what I thought might be good.
Yet, inner realms beckon, hoping I'll return to past endeavors, alighting gently in hopes of everlasting faith.

Corners Of Hibernation

Situated in corners of hibernation, lively pieces of prose lounge about, encrypting words and placing them in coded messages, preferred by an interior mind to coddle, educate and use daily in expertise.
Languidly holding on to everything, explicitly portraying life and nature in beautiful visions of tantamount splendor.
Taking in views sporadically and cryptically while enjoying many versions of poetry in illusionistic sights beyond intellect.

Blossoms Of Thought

Walking through natural darkness, believing it will unfold
and relay many messages of penetrable energy into outer
Solidly taking whatever is sent to my mind, encasing it all

Binding Chains

Chains binding interior memories thrown down
abysses since childhood.
Laboring tensely for freedom, acknowledging
precious little of reality through the dense

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