RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sun Reflected On The Moon

One third of the moon looking upon earth, shadows covering
over the rest of it, settled in a light blue morning sky

Happy For Moments Of Repose

Settled into a lackadaisical mood, not wanting to move into
the day as yet, just wanting to write poetry and listen to

God's Playground

Looking up, hands of God seem to be playing with clouds above,
stacking them just so, balancing them in unique and fascinat-
ing ways all across the sky.

Shadowy Essence

On a rooftop across the street, shadows are lying stretched out,
relaxing in mid morning, seemingly not interested in moving a-
bout or playing.

Mountains Missing Their Sons And Daughters

Noticing desert landscapes up and down the street where I live
in Phoenix, saguaros, ocotillos, barrel and jumping cacti all
beckoning this mind's poetical essence.

Making Waves For Intellect To Surf

Lightening fast music triggering this mind, racing all the
way into intellect where rhythms take me into the beauty
of sounds.

Playing With An Inner Child

Frolicking in fields of roses where life becomes nonexistent
while playing with this inner child, enjoying pleasant re-
minders coming to mind.

Opening Neural Pathways

Always wondering why things happen, wanting to experience and
discover whatever possible, being tempted through coded rhythms
as they unfold.

Traveling Is A Forte

Always wanting to go somewhere, traveling is a forte now,
last year going to India, traveling across five states, en-
joying it's beauty, people and culture.

Carrying Life

Rushing into musical rhythms being played, loving feelings
erupting within, totally being encompassed through colors
of tones and notes surrounding this being from within.

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