RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Life, Unanswerable

Ringing echoes down the halls and into neighboring aisles,
awaiting answers which are never written.

On ever increasing highways questions fly idly about having

Mind's Treehouse

In the treehouse of my mind, I sit and relax, looking over
rooftops and into windows of my soul.

Careful obligations of life are safely stored with countless

Pounding Echoes

Softly sleeping, echoes pounding minds in deep reveries,
awaiting the dawn of breaking with unkempt desires.

Nights blackened with soot of ages past, burned to cinders

Transparent Loss

Staring into space, nothing focused, transparent heartaches
held within.

Thoughtful burial of life's second chance, turned around and

Beyond Logic

Thoughts suburbanly placed in visions, tunneling across
expanses of remembering, fearless, hanging onto insecure
rims of shattered vases, tipping over, flowing out upon
brick layered ideas.

Ravine Of Life

Rain splattering against my thoughts, marking the exact time
of extraordinary frankness, holding nothing back, transport-
ing all of life forward, seeing the way reality is.

Twisted Fate

Opening up the window of my soul, tracing it's origin back
to birth, cascading delicately like fragile lace along out-
skirts of mental anguish, exfoliating the breath of being.

The Abyss Of Life

Staring out into the abyss of life, feelings of emptiness creep inside.
Taking hold of a heart's vulnerable places, it pushes it's way in,
leaving no where for tears to fall.
Wondering for only seconds why life is so painful, brushing away

A Little Life

Today I write a poem for you, a little light upon the saddened
darkness felt by my soul.
Tattered remains of a lifetime as mother and daughter,
separated by the insistence of death's embrace.

Quiet Undertaking

When life stands still, moments of silence penetrate the atmosphere,
leaving imprints of memories again remembered and held dear.
Softly cascading, recreating happiness, echoing it's joy infinitely
in minds usually filled with sorrow.

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