Ravine Of Life Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Ravine Of Life

Rain splattering against my thoughts, marking the exact time
of extraordinary frankness, holding nothing back, transport-
ing all of life forward, seeing the way reality is.

Hands folded in answerable prayer, fighting to live on the
edge without caving in to pressure built around a small space
of my own.

Wishing, drowning deep inside, overflowing with sorrow of a
lifetime, being hurt more often than before, totally giving
up the struggle - it is not worth it.

Pain of staying alive is far too much - out-weighing every-
thing else, there is no special place for me to be, I'm always
cast aside on a sea of worthlessness.

Striking out, trying to run does nothing, feelings still lie
within, piled so high there is no way through - no logical conclusions can be met or drawn.

Suffering daily for someone else's misspent childhood is
ridiculous, yet here I sit, unable to think or move, lying
depressed in a state of mind.

Vegetating, totally resigned to the negativity of uselessness,
power of another has completely sapped my strength, I've given everything within my power to give.

But have received absolutely nothing in return, I no longer
have anything left, I lie here completely empty with no way
to refill my soul.

Instead, I prepare for death, it will at least make me whole
by completing my existence in this awful place of life, on
borders of no return, I cross over.

Not looking over my shoulder, because I no longer care about
anything, stepping over, sliding into the ravine, giving up
my last horizon for peace of mind and eternal tranquility.

This poem was written in January of 1995. Writing out feelings helps
to see what I am thinking; I can then adjust my life and keep on going, making changes along the way. Writing has kept me sane and
living, giving of myself through poems, hopefully helping others
who read them. Thinking things does not mean acting on them, just
releasing feelings and emotions and continue living with peace -
finally coexisting with life in spite of it's suffering and sorrow.
Amitava Sur 09 April 2014

A very poignant write describing the miseries faced in diff. stages, sometimes they are so cruel and painfull that they throw questions to self about - - is there really any meaning to live with so much unending miseries.! ! ! ! the purpose of living itself is in a dilemma. But still with some hope we aspire to live For some love, a little peace..... great

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