RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Restricted By Passivity

Wandering onto plateaus of reticence, careful, wanting to
know the answers to this interior life, not knowing how to
play the messages being sent.

Only Have To Listen

Secretly finding puzzles lying beneath the surface,
a performance of quiet purpose lying in wait, hap-
hazard voices, instrumentally being heard.

Mystical, Magical Tones

Hurriedly accepting musical peace of a band flowing into
the center of my mind, being strummed in the wayward wind,
touching the beneficence of my soul.

Interior Storm

Like wind blowing fiercer and harder through an interior
storm, gales tossing everything in all directions, care-
lessly leaving me behind a wall of curtains.

Miracle Of Life Being Given

Emotionally draining melodies collapsing my heart, taking
me into devastating particles of being, tracing patterns
within it's circumference, touching the interior of my soul.

Interior Sadness Being Built Upon

Golden silence being interrupted by classical music played
on a harp, an interior sadness being built upon as tears
flow into the center of my heart.

Stairway To Nowhere

In and out, tearing down barricades unsurmountable in any
stage of life, letting go, finding a musical chord lead-
ing to gates of heaven.

Interior Signs And Omens

Softly echoing in time, vibrating the essence of life with
classical chords that climb in and out of every moment in
an intense inner divinity.

Clocking Rhythms

Energetically clocking rhythms throughout the night,
forsaking the epitome of life itself, testing my
strength of character through music's belief and faith.

Eternity Of Natural Beauty

Delicate hands performing musical escalations upon a harp,
finding an essence that was left behind centuries ago and
now is becoming the new sound of rhythm.

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