Roxanne Dubarry Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'Let Freedom Ring!

Lord Jesus, let the bells of freedom ring loud and clear throughout
the USA on our nation's Independence Day. All people both
far and wide will hear sounds of freedom. Come and celebrate
the birthday of our glorious nation on on the Fourth of July.

Apples Of Gold

Apples of Gold; wisdom untold. A present to me from Jean
Carey; a poetic friend of mine. I haven't heard from for
sometime. Beautiful words, like apple blossoms bloom.
A French perfume sayings 'gleamed' from far and wide all

'What Does Jesus Christ Mean To You? '

My dearest friends, please remember to bow your heads,
and humbly pray during Thanksgiving holiday.

There is one simple question I would like to ask you.

'The Spirit Of Brotherly Love.'

Honestly, brotherly love isn't all about people,
It's what Jesus Christ taught his disciples
to both say and do.

Autumn's Child' #2

Autumn's child is filled with God's redeeming grace,
and will behold her Savior face to face.
Oh, what matchless grace.

God's, 'Awesome Sky.' #1

What a panoramic view,
we had of God's awesome sky.
He sighed and said, 'It was
a perfect day, with no wind,

God's, 'Awesome Sky.' #2

'What an awesome sky, '
I heard a young female
photographer sigh.
We watched the sunset.

Christ, 'The Keeper Of The Flame.'

O Christ you truly are, 'The Keeper of America's
Flame! ' O Christ please let your flame proudly
Proclaim our great and glorious country to truly be
'the land of the free, and the home of the brave! '

Repent For The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand

'Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. Repent from your wicked ways and become converted if you want to also inherit the kingdom of heaven.***

'Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me Cast me not away from your presence and take not your holy spirit from me. Restore to to me the joy of my salvation and uphold me with your free spirit.' King David of the nation of Israel ***

Repent For The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand #2

What about those Christians who say their salvation prayers and keep on sinning their entire lives without any repentance? Chances are they were never saved in the first place which is why they end up in hell! 'For they worship me with their mouths but their thoughts are far from me, 'Jesus Christ. If salvation were a temporal thing and if we could actually lose it! Why would Jesus Christ had come down from heaven in the first place? The

Jews would have continued their animal sacrifices for their sins and the gentiles would have been without any hope. Unless they converted to Judaism! All of the new born gentile males would have had to become circumcised on the eighth day of their birth. Otherwise they would have had to become circumcised as adult males. The Apostle Paul called the Jewish believers who believed that gentile males had to first become circumcised to be saved false teachers. Jesus Christ never deemed it necessary!

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