Savita Tyagi Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Blank And Vacant

This empty feeling blanketing the mind
Like back sludge covering
The crystal clear water
Eventually floats away

Random Thought X

One who is suppose to protect and serve
Aught to be courageous and compassionate
But a neurosis of fear and distrust runs
Through the veins of governing power


Privilege Audience

Pushed by the wind a leaf rises high in sky
It dances under blue sky circumventing the trees
Slides through branches and manages to rise again
She is the lone dancer of that evening's performance

Random Thought Vl (Poet And Emotions)

Emotions are to a poet
What sky is to birds
Of depth and vastness
To venture and explore

Random Thought Ix (Religion, Humorous)

One goes to temple in search of peace
Other goes because he is at peace
Third is there to wash his laundry!


किसे याद रखें किसे भूल जायें
अपनों के बीच क्यों ये गैर याद आयें
जानी पहचानी थी वो छोटी सी दुनियॉ
बाबुल का अंगना और सखियों की गलियॉ

It's Not Easy But…..

When mind is uneasy and arduous are life's undertakings
Repose your mind at Lord's feet
Lodge yourself at the great door
The door that opens for all.

Flash Thought Il

The world was availed to me
I put my heart and soul in it
Thinking it is mine
It took my heart and soul

A Heart In Delight

The ruffle of wings
Bring eyes to the sky, for many
See the birds flying.

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