Shamik Kumar Bose

Shamik Kumar Bose Poems

O Morn Sun!
Behold! My dew is now sleeping

She is a baby whom my Nigh has born

In Quietude on the waterfront, I hear the kissing sound of water
on the lovely pebbles
That sound reminds me of a deep love once made in heaven
and now on my earth, under a mellow'd beam

/* A translation of Poet Rabindranath Tagore's Poem 'Shah-Jehan' */

O Shah-Jahan! The Godly Emperor of India
Thou knew this fact so well,

It was composed by Anand Bakshi for the movie 'Amar Prem'. The song at http: // v=kpM0jPd6-7w


Inside your sphere I am a hapless soul
Welcome me into your shell
And give me the happiness I never find elsewhere
You nymph for loneliness- descend on mind like a gliding eagle

This is a translation of a famous poem by Bengali Poet Jibanananda Das. The original poem was composed on 1934. More so at

Banalata Sen

* A translation of a poem of Rabindra Nath Tagore from 'Gitanjali'.

Hey mor chitto, punya tirthe
Jago re dhire-

While at Midnight I am sitting upon the wooden bench in my park.
The green grass, tired on a day's journey, now sleeping...
Along with him, sleeping all the souls,
Who share the same park, the same complex.


Hope, you have stood by me with a friend's gesture
Now I can't say, hoping against hope in one humor
I have learnt to seek you in despair with fervent desire
I feel the warmth of your glow as you flicker


Stand there my sweet little charming
And just keep on smiling
Teach me once more what you are playing
Watching you in silence while you are roaming

Have I ever wept on a mountain's grief?

The sadness so profound, yet so majestic
That thy strongest heart bore since thou wert born

One day I shall take a depart for another walk
on this earth again
when the jasmine will weep in pathos
in tears flooding all her petals

Little rain, may I not wonder at all,
What a journey it takes for so many to make you fall,
While the Sun shines so bright with a vigorous call
That takes the water from wombs of my earth

O Vagabond Cloud!

Why such a dream so futile?
That time and again, may I sigh

The silence inside shadow will be profound!
Let me tell you
If ghost has forshaken your two eyes,
it may lament!

Remember me! Wake up from the slumber
Do n't say a no even my face is now not too familiar
Watch the days when we used to walk and sing together
And take a deep breath while you will pass by the same tree, not the same flower

' This is based on a true story that I read when I was a boy and a die
hard fan of football'

'What can be in a father's mind after he left his only son in a

The naked Ocean in front of me
Lusty and vivacious.

Under beams of this moon so treacherous

Fair Mermaid! from dream, come shy
The night is young and vivid
Come soft on wings of Butterfly
This night is white and placid!

Inside you a lovely dodge plays
Like a flowered womb bids an adieu to a virgin shy
Beauty larks hidden in a bird's first fly
An echo inside a newborn's maiden cry

The Best Poem Of Shamik Kumar Bose

# Ode To A Dew

O Morn Sun!
Behold! My dew is now sleeping

She is a baby whom my Nigh has born
Inside the womb of my flower
Her fragrance, her love!
Her solace for an ephemeral joy!

Behold! Please listen to the soft murmur of charming Honeybee
How she plays with her
How she puts her inside a sleep so dreamy
Music soft in melody
The sweet nectar flowing around in all glee
My sweet Honeybee!

Watch and be not audacious!
Your glory now subdued
Inside such care
Such love
Do not be so audacious!
Your glory inside a Rainbow within my baby dew
Your triumph larks in dancing rays kissing her not a few
Till Nigh will embrace your last hue.

14.04.10 Shamik Bose Calcutta

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