Sheena Blackhall Poems

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Clive Of India's Pet Giant Tortoise

Clive of India's pet Giant Tortoise
Clive of India, turned opium addict
Committed suicide in 1774.
A sociopath and a racist, the Indians described him

Talk In The Air

A graveyard is dangerous—
If you go in, whispers may reach your ears
Of things that have happened
Before, to the dead and their mourners

The Language Of Flowers

Carnation means love and distinction
Violet means wisdom and hope
Buttercups mean the sweetness of childhood
Wreaths help the grieving to cope

Shirodhara: Ayuravedic Treatment, Sri Lanka

Calm comes to my brow
Where scented oil
Is warmed and steadily poured in a blissful stream

Scottie Wilson: The Tree Of Life With Fish

In The Tree of Life with Fish
Fish fly round a white tree, or hang from it like fruit
Some drop to the undergrowth
This Tree of Life grows in the Torah's Garden of Eden

Moon Struck

I remember
The moon, sharp as a scythe, on my wedding night
The moon snagged in clouds when my father died
The moon that lit the tree where an owl rested

English Poems From Moon Struck

The Unicorn of Kings
I am the most inspiring feature in the varsity grounds
Visitors circle me, drawn by my animal magnetism

Scots Poems From The Devil's Pulpit

The Enemy Inside
My virr has dwined awa,
The enemy's inside,
Ma face is tae the waa

Surely You Would Know?

Surely You Would Know?
Poor mental health can be genetic though
Time only tells if bad luck's come your way
If you were marked out surely you would know?

My Brother As A Young Man

My Brother, Ian Middleton C.A. as a young man:

I am currently skint, and life is a bummer
Beethoven Sonata Op27 no 2

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