Sherif Monem Poems

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Sunset Goodbye

The sunset sends message goodbye
A long day is coming to an end
The blazing sun soon will depart
The sun sinks behind the horizon

My Life Is An Open Book

My life is an open book
Come over and have a look
Turn page after page slowly
Look at pages of happiness

Women Are Not Honey

Women are not all sweet and honey
Women are natural biological attraction for men
their voice, body contours are men's fascination
Women however, can make man jump over the roof

Agony Of Life

The story of my life
My days pass slowly
My days are hallow
My night is despair

Yes He Loves You

Yes, he Loves You
Yes, he does
He cares about you
Yes, He cares

Love And Fire

In unlucky day I got caught
in whirlwind of love and fire

I fell down and down

Gray Dreams

I am not happy
I am so sad

My dreams are darkened

The Song Of Love

The cool summer wind gently passes
Sweeping over the red rose gardens
The sun smiles back far above
The azure blue heaven in affection

Lonely Heart At Night

The dreary night is approaching
The silence is filling the room

I lay down lonely with an empty soul

I Fall In Love Easily

I fall in love easily
There is no any excuses

I get bruised and bandaged

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