Somanathan Iyer Poems

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Concepts 18

Where we are heading for we don’t know for ourselves
Up above somewhere God must be repenting for creating us
Created He everything in abundance and sent us to enjoy and guard
Wishful thinking His was in trusting us in guarding the Nature

Concepts 14

All those intelligent are not successful
All those successful are not intelligent
Success never demands real intelligence
Sincere efforts with lots of luck is the key for success

Concepts 13

Talk not your way when two fools are engaged in conversation
Talk not in between when two intellectuals immersed in argument
Stamp of approval for your opinion will never occur anyway in both the cases
Silence is the shield you wear to bear the times till you share your views

My Shadow

Shadow is inseparable companion
It is said to give it some credibility!
Uninvited it follows me wherever I go
Depending on the power of lights

Blame Is Not On God

Not by mere chance, but by own choice
humans take their birth in this world
leaving the physical form after death
summoned is the soul to the yard of God

Need Of The Hour

This great country of ours
Once lauded as the most prosperous
Once the hub of knowledge and learning
Once the origin of ethics and morals

Missing Things

Body is there missing is the spirit
Eyes are there missing is the focus
Mind is there missing is the brain
Desires are there missing are the means

The Shy Moon

The moon was bright
on the waves of clouds
here and there all along the sky
stars were playing hide and seek

Gold And Women

gold and women
inseparable lot
high stakes both have
owning them is a pride

The Deluge In Uttarakhand

In hundreds and thousands
Thronged there visitors and pilgrims
Little they thought their life is doomed

Uttarakhand the paradise on earth

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