Southern Nights Poem by Keena Day

Southern Nights

My thoughts of you leads me to
Midsummer's night dreamin':
Like gumbo in a pot steamin'
Or crawdads.
That oh so Southern smell in the air,
Seasoned with down home flair.
Happy to fix me a plate of you.
Being in your presence increases my view
Of everything in between-
Thinking of your smile and its gleam.
Which lights up the sky.
Intoxicating like good moonshine.
Like the stars on a summer night
You make me feel like a star on a southern night.

The center of your Earth.

Night sounds surround me
Nature's version of blues music sets my mind at ease.
Enjoying the small things.
Like conversations set upon indigo eves
While listening to the winds in the trees.
The crickets chirping sets the tone
Anytime we are alone
Where porches are still relevant
On nights when the moon is not hesitant
And everything is still.
Like the stars on a summer night-
You make me feel like a star on a southern night.

The center of your Earth.

Quality music in the background
Familiar sounds
Of nature.
Got me thinking of nature-
Yours in particular.
Enamored by your accent as you speak
Makes my mind think
Of the voices of men of yore
Echoes of those who dreamt of more
Of loves that existed before this.
What a beautiful concept
Love among loves that withstood tests.
With you, my mind takes flights
Like stars on summer nights.
You make me feel like a star on a southern night.

The center of your Earth.

Sunday, February 2, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love,night
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Keena Day

Keena Day

Detroit, MI
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