stu aitken Poems

Hit Title Date Added
How Great The Divide Between Narrow And Wide

How large the gap between hired and fired,
I could stay or must go, is it sun or snow,
Was almost elected, the cause now neglected,
How great the divide between narrow and wide.

Tommy Tortoise

Tommy tortoise had a dirty shell!
Which was his lovely home as well
He looked around to find a friend
To help him get it clean again

Don'T Delay My Busy Day

Why is there always so much delay?
As if to stifle a busy day
The petrol pump takes an age to initialise
The cash-point transaction, so slow to finalise.

Porscha Comes Of Age

Poor Porscha, she never won a prize!
So when the news broke, it came as no surprise
Not ever a bridesmaid, far less the bride
She sauntered round the rough estate with slightly desperate pride.

Duvet Day

I watch an ice-cube melt away,
As part of an exiting really slow day.
I bet on two insects, climbing a wall,
There isn’t much happening today at all!

The Nut Store

Sammy Squirrel couldn’t see
The stash of nuts at the base of his tree
And though he scurried up and down
He could never catch the thief around!

Household Band

Have you ever wondered what it’d be like
If household objects came alive at night
And any of them with an animal name
Could all join in a musical game

Sods Law

Have you ever paused to wonder why bread falls sticky side to the floor,
Or why with bundled arms, you are never able, to open that wretched door.
And when you really don’t need it too, you can rely on it to rain,
And you can just bet someone else will get the last seat on the train.

Cuckoo Paradox

Skyward gazed a simple man,
thought what describes the grand design
He dwelt upon lifes complex plan
till penny dropped at cuckoo chime

Angry Today

on a sliding scale of one to ten
how angry does it make you then?

and if you are not prepared to say

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