Tengoku Tenshi

Tengoku Tenshi Poems

I see them walking by
Laughing, smiling, showing the light they dwell
Yet I’m in the shadows
Scared, petrified, and pathetic

I know this is not a poem, but if you look deep into my views, you not only see light, but also tranquility and the colors of life. enjoy.

People may not see the beauty that you dwell within you
But with the trick of the eye people only see the beauty on the outside
There scared to know what you have on the inside
There shadows hold them back

I’m so nervous
I wonder, how did I get so lucky?
Look at me, I’m just another peasant
Yet look at her, she’s as beautiful as the gods

Why do men do this to women?
What makes some men cause these horrible acts to women?
I don’t like it one bit, not at all
These thoughts in our minds are just another sin

A man is crying onto a couple of photos
The apartment next to him is banging on the wall
He screams in sadness while the banging becomes silent
The tears run down his face like a water fall

First comes the flash
Then the screams of horror
Molted metal and a stench of sadness

I’m stuck in darkness
My wings are being held by an evil spell
I scream for help but no one can hear me
I look up at the snow wile it falls on my captured wings

The light that glows from them is so bright
Tears escape my eyes because of the beauty they dwell
Yet some men don’t see this light
They can’t see their true face

Why do we dress to make us tuff?
Why must we insult each other?
Is there a reason why you hit your child?
Explain why you must always make threats?

A crow watches me every day
This crow is not evil, but good
The crow is a angel but built different
It lets me know everything is ok

I get treated wrong
Not just by men, but by women also
I don’t let it get me down
It’s been 3 years since my last relationship


Freedom is what some people want
Others want love
I want life
With life I can experience freedom and love


I’m tired of being silent
I’m tired of walking by two lovers
Why am I alone?
It hurts going to bed alone at night

High school is here
I have demons as friends
Yet one friend was an angel like me
People almost died

So very empty
The gods bet on my destiny
An angel being used for games


This lust for money and women
It drives some men crazy
Yet in my eyes, it just makes me cry
I look at the hate progressing in the world

Beautiful with a charming smile

Never mean to the ones in need


Why do I feel like this?

This lost soul, a fallen angel

That same feeling has come to me again

I haven’t felt this feeling in three years

Tengoku Tenshi Biography

Im 18 and yet still looking for the one. But for know I controll my emotions by writing poems and sharing them with the world.)

The Best Poem Of Tengoku Tenshi

Peace, Love, Freedom

I see them walking by
Laughing, smiling, showing the light they dwell
Yet I’m in the shadows
Scared, petrified, and pathetic
I see them hugging their friends and kissing their boyfriends
It makes me mad knowing that I want that, yet sadly I can’t
There so peaceful as they walk and talk
The love that they show is as pure as it gets
Freedom is what I need.

I smile at them but deep down inside I cry
There beauty kills me on the inside
I say hello but she shrugs me off
I’m so use to it but yet every time it hurts
What is wrong with me, what am I doing wrong
I’m respectful, kind, and listen to all
I love to talk and be there when any one needs me
Yet the evil ones who treat my kind like trash get all the women
But they treat them so wrong in so many ways
What ever happen to passion and respect?
It makes me cry on the outside but yet I smile on the inside saying to my self
“I know I’m better than them and I will wait for her, the one who will save me.”

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