Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

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Curiosity Is Prime Motivator

watch listen time learn
incentive each unique occasion
learn intrinsic life lessons

Listen To Change Potential Opportunities

learn each individual life lesson anew
open to truth other perceptions of reality
wisdom change is time gift of creation

Swr Raleigh Married Elizabeth Throckmorton Secretly

Raleigh sly got a prize lady-in-waiting pregnant
married beloved Elizabeth Throckmorton secretly
one of monarch Queen Elizabeth's ladies-in-waiting
without Queen Elizabeth I's permission in 1591

Legalization Of Waterboarding?

walk not a torturous road to justice?
make not evil lawful within the state
as Nazi Germany did walk not this road
issue no torture warrant to legalize crime

Thunder Soul

so many lives I have walked now
only after the lightning has passed in a flash
will the thunder finally be heard

A Biblical Learning Bug

What you may ask
are my most treasured
valuable possessions?

Garlic Bushels To Dream Of

I deep dreamed an auspicious dream
before I was breath awakened awoke;
portent dream foretold prophesised
future specific part of prophet’s life.

Spiritual Incarnations

Dreaming of early childhood
time cast cycles presence back
penetrating sight soul seeing
eyes absorbing orbs watching

Hail All Masters Of Small Spinning Ball

In England people believe; a football player
can earn 100 000 pound a week;
apparently that is okay he is; obviously worth
100 000 pound such skill such skill;

Money Purchases Only Pearls

“Such a nice girl
funny she never married.
Such a nice girl
money purchases only pearls.”

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