Legalization Of Waterboarding? Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Legalization Of Waterboarding?

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walk not a torturous road to justice?
make not evil lawful within the state
as Nazi Germany did walk not this road
issue no torture warrant to legalize crime
as Nazi Germany legalized mass murder

allow torture to be clinically supervised?
assign observer proper medical monitoring
duty to determine control quality of torture?
guard against torture life-threatening?
duty of trained medical professionals?

officially provide for doctors to treat
the tortured God help this tortured soul
as doctors patch you up to endure more
torture during and after torture ordeal?
would you hang observing head in shame?

George W Bush Loves Waterboarding
George spoke of authorization in memoirs
how his lawyers told him it was legal to
systematically repeatedly drown suspects
innocent but presumed guilty without trial

Amnesty International and Geneva Conventions
disagree with your lawyers ignoring laws George
but my lawyers assured me it benefits our society
but Eve said it was good but Satan said souls will
positively not die thieves are so happy until caught

somebody has stolen right to be tried in impartial court?
right to be held in a prison cell not a humiliation cage?
do you not know sowing hate seeds strengthens enemies?
recruitment soars evil grows holds us at bay by the throat?
Lord is it not written “return evil to no one” it is written!

“Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place
to the wrath; for it is written: “Vengeance is mine;
I will repay, says Jehovah.” But, “if your enemy is
hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something
to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals upon

his head.” “Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil,
but keep conquering the evil with good.” Romans 12: 17-21.

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