Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Little Tree Frog

With the stateliness of nobility you emerge
Dressed in a brilliant robe of neon green
Your delightful appearance screams and shouts
Your are the most stunning frog I have ever seen

Gaining Knowledge

Who has the sense to know what is best…
Look to nature and you shall find reasons
Beyond logical excavated thinking…
Release the pondering and follow the seasons

A Mother’s Wish

The joy received
At first movement
A life within…
A bonding moment

A Frigid Night

Sounds of loud discord
Pierced the silent sleeping night
The crunch of snow beneath booted feet
Accelerated…as words continued to ignite

Wedding Bells

The sum of one plus one
is one…when wedding bells
join together the joy of two
Two hearts beat as one


The day has just begun
with the rising of the sun
Time to mix the batter
gently... don't want to splatter

Bud In Bloom

To judge another who is a beginner
is to criticize a bud in bloom
Be clear yet subtle when appraising
Remember to allow for growing room

An Ant's Last Breath

This animated creature is persistent
and one of the most annoying
Finding ways to gain entry to the house
they are devious while strategically deploying


Your friendship was a galaxy away since departing
no words were spoken… your feelings were bruised
the friction between us sharpened a severing blade
I wonder if the blunder has been forgotten or excused

My Garden Of Joy

Realizing the days are getting shorter...
my garden grows with last of summer
vigor and fortitude…giving its last hurrah
before cold nights stun and make us stutter

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