Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Stay True To Your Convictions

In the frenzy there is a calm
like the center of a hurricane
All the yeas and nays circle around
striving to possess your domain

Lilac Bush

For as long as I can remember
you have shared your presence;
Like a close family member
holding firm…staying in attendance

What Next?

Balancing between yesterday
and tomorrow.
Teetering on the crest…
Do you have any requests?

Morning Fog

Opening my eyes to the light of dawn
Confused and dismayed
The good morning greeting is gone
The cock-a-doodle-do has no rays

Winter Weariness

Seems that we've been waiting ever so long
For the cold mounting winter snows to be gone
Oh sure, at first the dazzling flakes were intriguing
But the novelty strayed after months of freezing

Green Light, Red Light...

Children and their mother are playing a game.
Green light; start and go just as fast as you can.
Red light; activity stops and remains the same.
Green light; accelerate from where your began.

Wedding Bells

The sum of one plus one
is one…when wedding bells
join together the joy of two
Two hearts beat as one


The day has just begun
with the rising of the sun
Time to mix the batter
gently... don't want to splatter

Bud In Bloom

To judge another who is a beginner
is to criticize a bud in bloom
Be clear yet subtle when appraising
Remember to allow for growing room

An Ant's Last Breath

This animated creature is persistent
and one of the most annoying
Finding ways to gain entry to the house
they are devious while strategically deploying

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