Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Studying Abroad

Dreading with stress, knowing that the day is here
I should share in your excitement without any fear
You are going so far… fulfilling your dream to travel
On the drive to the city airport I’ll try not to unravel

Pebbles And Diamonds

What determines individual value?
When comparing …what are the clues?
What uniqueness carries the most weight?
Why? This is the question up for debate

My Childhood Friend

We were little girls
Living next door to one another
I was an only child
She had three younger brothers

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

Today is filled with things to do
Everything resembles the day before
Laundry done… Lunch to be fixed
Add milk to the grocery list… another chore

Falsely Accused

Under the circumstance all clues pointed to you
In the wrong place at the right time…you were screwed
Sentenced as a criminal…then locked behind bars…
Unjustly paying for a wrong doing…marked by scars

Fossil Fuel

Transformed from living matter
Aged and compressed
Capable of releasing a roar
Combusting…leading the quest

Celebrate Life

Sort all the moments through
With a well-designed sieve
Save only thoughts that renew
Cherish them as you relive

Should I Show My True Colors?

When I became gray
People in my profession
Started to say…poor thing
Her mind will soon be in regression


So many creative people are considered to be weird.
People hesitate to question, a surreal answer is feared.

Whatever makes them unique causes abstract views.

The Fog

A veiled wall of misty low hanging clouds
Mysteriously conceals and restrictively shrouds.
Visibility is far from marvelous this morning…
Travelers appear from the fog with no warning.

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