Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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There are all kinds of lies…
Some small and others vast.
Spun like a web and cast.

Clothesline Thoughts

Days of hanging wrung sheets on the line
Are no longer a common, pleasurable scene
Fresh breezes that caused drying sails to wave…
No longer caress and leave them smelling clean

Night, Light, Night…

The darkness swallows everything in sight.
It conceals images with the absence of light.
Night is a drowsy dog who now soundly sleeps.
At dawn, it jumps to its feet and swiftly leaps.


The tree tops sway with boundless trust…
Confidence is abandoned with a wind gust
The season for thriving is making an exit
Adornments separate as branches submit

Happiness Isn’t Guaranteed

A notion of love being guaranteed is false.
Did you understand what you were told?
'You can not depend on someone else
For your happiness.' These words are cold.

Children Playing

A tired vacant house was aching for a splash of good.
A new family decided to move into the neighborhood.
It’s been a long time since I‘ve heard children playing…
Their voices are laughing and energetically displaying.

Short Little Dude

Remember when you were a little boy

Life Is

The road is long.
The burden is heavy.
Life is a lesson.

Pleasing The Judges

Who gives kudos and praise
When you strive to please
Hours of successfully mastering
Are interpreted as these…

Planet Earth

Earth is a marvelous planet
Providing sustenance for life on it
Think and you will realize
The creator is very wise.

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