Valsa George Poems

Hit Title Date Added
How Strange

Peace and terror
Poetry and dull logic
Poverty and opulence
They coexist side by side

Double Face

In a never sleeping metropolis
In the dungeon of a room
My days and nights are locked!
I, a traveler on a street, with no end in sight

My First Crush

In the sea of faces I saw a face
All in a haze, so filmy
Nothing did I see clearly
But a pair of love lit eyes

A Cup Of Tea

I hear the tea pot singing
With the amber liquid sizzling
I see spouts of vapor ejecting
With sweet aroma spreading

Limerick- Bee Sting

Once he spotted a hive of honey bees
Upon a branch amid a clump of trees
He thought of taking honey
That would fetch him some money

'Lead Kindly Light'

Caught in the clutch of darkness, I quail
Seeing it shrouding my spirits, I wail
Assailed by afflictions severe
My life is now devoid of all cheer

Lost In Love's Chant

Lost in Love's Chant

I still can't call to mind our first meeting
But as we saw each other more frequently

Haiku- A Thought

A Healing Kiss

Bearing a crown of thorns
Someone planted a kiss
Scarring my face, the spikes
Pricked deep, letting

Lunar Influence

In moody silence, nursing my shallow bruises
I sat outside in the graying hours of the night
Staring into the cloudy night sky
With nothing to cheer my sullen spirit

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