Valsa George Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Glance At Sunlight

The stream glides down gurgling
Listen to its sweet refrain
Put down smothering blues brewing
Cast away all throttling pain

Rhyming Love

In the folds of night as a wave, you came
Charioted in a filmy dream
All night you were with me
And in love's uncharted land, we roamed

Amid All Cares

Pain and suffering, I often see around
Though now I don't have them to seriously confront
Yet a nameless unease weighs me down
At the sight of hundreds cruelly beaten down

Swaddled In Glory!

Across the sky is a blaze of gold
When the dawn quietly begins to unfold
Each morn is a fresh wonder
As the night willfully bows down to surrender

Summer In My Brain

Summer like an eagle has swooped down
Under its tearing claws, the Earth shrieks and groans
The days and nights breathe out the stench of dribbling sweat
Roads rage and roofs steam like an overly heated pan

Limerick- In The Kingdom Of Fools

In the Kingdom of Fools, there was a poet
Who thought his poems were really great
Was a man of high pretence
But what he wrote made no sense.

Pain Liquefied

As a molten drop of wax
runs down
from a dying candle,
a single drop of tear


I stared into the mirror,
Wincing at my own reflection
Through eyes fogged by cataract,
Saw a black tint spreading around my eyes

Limerick - As Corona Strikes

As Corona strikes, world is in standstill
All around, we witness its massive kill
Terrible is the sight
We're groping in the night

Tentacles Of Terror

When Faith turns fanatic,
When mind, like a sponge soaked in dogma,
When the lure of money overrides,
When reason is hoodwinked

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