Valsa George Poems

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Trotting over dried up dreams
Familiar terrains swim past view
Again, no looking back!
The unknown stretches far ahead


Nursing my secret longings
I lie awake in the wee hours of the night
Mind restless, like a caged bird craving redemption
My thoughts journeying through time and space

A November Morning

A cool November morning!
Today I rose much earlier than usual
I watch the night stealing away
Like an accused convict under cover


Do not simply diddle
For life may pass in a twinkle
Hardly any time to dawdle
In life, joy and sorrow mingle

An Ode To A Squirrel

Oh, little chirpy squeaking squirrel
I see you always dressed in grey apparel
Swift as an arrow you can run
Watching you scamper the tree is fun

To My Valentine

Hey, smiling beauty
My ravishing companion
Come into my life, to give it a lift
I shall sing for you our love's tuneful lore

When Your Muse Comes Knocking

When starlings were swimming in the azure lake
When bats and owls began their nocturnal ride
When all the Earth under a dark blanket lay
And man and beast into sweet repose retired

The Old Man And His Dog

Out through the window of his lonely cottage
The old man vacantly gazed,
At the lazy curl of smoke from the chimneys
His eyes further wandered over to the dew dampened meadows

Limerick- Wife-O-Phobia

It was an awfully sultry night
All was unusually quiet
Lying on the floor
Saw his ex wife at the door

Seaside Broodings

As I stand by the side of the sea
Watching the breakers that pound on the shore
Looking at the melee of waves and tides
I wonder if we can ever tame its waters

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