Vicky Biorseth

Vicky Biorseth Poems

My spirit is on its knees
My will is willing to give up
My heart is unrecognizable, bludgened, bleeding, bruised and broken
Years of seaching...for What?

What do you do if you are Burgundy and Blue
When your colors don't match and nothing matches you
Your colors are seen but people look away
Your colors do not please them so what is there to say, but,

Forgive me for yelling-it probably wasn't necessary
Forget the years I drank-that would be a gift
Allow me to love you my way-that will make you sweet
Love me inspite of my flaws-that will make you tolerant


I will be ok once I am finished dying
I will be alright once the pieces hit the floor
I will be able to see again once I am finished crying
All will be ok if I could just need nothing more

Would it hurt the suns feelings to know it's warmth doesn't reach my life
Would the moom cry if she knew her moonlight was wasted on me
The brilliance of the stars goes unnoticed and the wind no longer travels through my hair
No sand in my toes or salt on my skin

Why ask why when there is no one to answer
Why ask 'Why oh Why' are we here?
Keep your questions for someone with interest
Careful to ask when the answer you fear

She sits down in her corner looking out across the world
She see's them coming after her this worried grown up girl
She wonders what they'll do to her maybe kick or beat her down
How can she escape this mess sprout off the ground

Tether me to you please and do not let me stray
I need someones attention to help me find the way
Tether me to you and keep me quite close by
Please care a little for me or I feel like I will die


I can see Pain coming-he is on his way
Not here yet, he moves slowly, in no hurry
Pain looks like a big black blob-no real form
White beaty eyes and a black thin, smirky grin

I know you are walking away from me I know that it is time
I know you are trustworthy and that you will be fine
This feels like a barb being ripped from my chest
Of all the things or people in my life you have been the best

The Best Poem Of Vicky Biorseth

Only Teasing

My spirit is on its knees
My will is willing to give up
My heart is unrecognizable, bludgened, bleeding, bruised and broken
Years of seaching...for What?
The thought of you was nice for while
The possibility pleasing
I told myself that you were the one
But I was only teasing

Vicky Biorseth Comments

Allan Farran 16 January 2012

Thank you for the poem Tasing really liked it hope you did find the one, so check out a few of my poms few of them I fel you will like. Allan x

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