Victor Cruickshank

Victor Cruickshank Poems


Time is defined by three words
Present, Past and Future
The Past though important was not meant to last
The Present which is now is the time to represent

Words are said, but others are heard
When quote is said, note is heard
When plait is said, plate is heard
Some words are different but sound the same

Today we breathe so fresh the air
Our clothes though not needed we buy and wear
Our environment is given no care
A new footwear is out, buy me a pair

Here as I sit, as I await summer.
I hear voices, "We want summer."
Winter is too cold, but summer is too hot.
Spring is nice, but I must be in school.

Imagine how difficult it is, for a mother,
to give birth to her son
raise him, watch him leave home
watch him serve the world

The silence of the day is at night
It is when people sleep and there is no light
When no one is afraid of height ‘cause there is no sight
That is when I walk gladly to my car

As the days go by, I stay up till Dark
A few years back by eight, I was asleep
But as the days go back I could even sleep in the park
As long as had a tent and some cocoa to keep

Oh Great were the days when we sat to converse
Great were the times when we sang verse by verse
Great were the moments we shared in the sun
And even those times when we had fun

This saying I've heard during my life's span
I've learned and considered it before I plan
I've read the Bible and also the Qur'an
But both of them teach lessons about the life of man

This is the end of my toils for the day
At this time I will just lay and pray
The stars and moon will stay
But wont be there when I awake

Have you heard of him?
The rock of ages, the prince of peace
He was called the prophet from Nazareth
They said, "No good thing comes from Nazareth"

As the sun shines bright on the lovely Earth
So was I blessed with a good life, at birth
And as the moon brights on the Earth at night
We are all grateful for the moon and sun

Society is the master that cages us all
I am just like a bird put in a cage
Put in a cage facing a wall
Just hoping that one day, she’ll turn the page

How far are you from home?
How far from my embrace?
As years go by, I miss you dear
As I sing our song I hope you hear

Some stories aren't supposed to be told
Others were read to us all the time, at night in the cold
More interesting and valuable than white gold
Some stories as we all know have been foretold

Stream of consciousness poem
Oh what a fine and beautiful morning
But yesterday was better
Except that it was too sunny

For today has come
But they say let's think of tomorrow
When is tomorrow?
Tomorrow I think of but it never comes

The visitor we all hate to receive,
An angel he claims to be,
This angel is loved by none,
For even the bravest of men fear him,

Part of my life I've used to dream
I've tried my best to live like the stream
Moving forward, ever flowing
Though it feels like am just racing

Victor Cruickshank Biography

Living life a day at a time. Right? ? ? ?)

The Best Poem Of Victor Cruickshank


Time is defined by three words
Present, Past and Future
The Past though important was not meant to last
The Present which is now is the time to represent
oneself since the present comes but once
We cherish the present because it is a gift
We remember the past because it reminds us
The future we know not what to expect
But we know there is a future
Because everyday is a past, a present and a future
Today is the present, today was yesterday's future and will be tomorrow's past
We cherish the time we have.

Victor Cruickshank Comments

Victor Cruickshank Quotes

Time is a measure of existence, without quantifying it we are never old.

There's always a fall before a rise. If you rise without falling, you better watch your back.

It is not failing that bothers me, it is the lack of trying that does.

It's not the good times, but that bad ones that show who we are.

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