Vivek Tiwari Poems

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Keep The Fights

Self enslaved?
Soul devoid?
Break the Bonds
Keep the Fight.

My Love My Sole Inspiration

My Love My Sole Inspiration

When I think
Of what I was

Love Money!

Love money!
Love wealth!
Love property and all her riches!
Love money

The Divine Light

Eyes grow dim
Darkness prevail
Aghast lightening may dazzle the eyes,
Whole surrounding be gloomy and dark

Our Love Has Got The Prize

O my Love
My sweet sweet Love
Our long awaited days are over
And our Love has got the prize.

Baby Thou Sleeping Yet!

Birds do pour their charm and beauty
In their sweetest tone`s estacy
And gleams do spark on pearly velvet
Baby thou sleeping yet!

Don'T Expect A Blossom's Day

No sun, no moon,
No sky is seen
Under high-peaked towers
Life (Nature) doth pine for healthy breath.

Life Is But A Roaring Stream

Life is but a roaring stream
Where upon this boat is to swim
This boat of carporal frame
Now the boatman has to hail is

I Want To Turn The Pages Of History

I long to turn the pages of history
Of sound-sound shining days
Behind the measuring span of time
Where the vision of Miracle shone

Wrong Verification!

Trouble and trouble and trouble all times
Whenever I try to appreciate the lines-

Lines from my friends' creations

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