Zachary Stefanski

Zachary Stefanski Poems

by my father
Thomas stefanski

I stood there
All the way
To help you through your troubles

zachary stefanski

by my father
Thomas Stefanski

by my father
Thomas stefanski

by my father
Thomas Scott Stefanski

by my father
Thomas stefanski

My life is a flame, like that of a candle. And like a candle, the flame is small and weak. In the wind I wavered, in the rain I sputtered, and somehow life is breathed into it. Despite many close calls, it continued to be fed with the oxygen it needed to survive.

zachary stefanski

by my father
Thomas stefanski

Zachary Stefanski Biography

gifted amateur)

The Best Poem Of Zachary Stefanski

I See You

by my father
Thomas stefanski

I sit here all alone…wishing you were here

For the first time in my life, I’m living alone, with no one dear

I can only imagine what it would be like

If you were here in our home

I can see you in our kitchen, preparing my favorite meal

I can see you in our bedroom, making our bed

I can see you in our living room

Cross- stitching a new plaque

I can see you in our car, taking the wheel so I can rest

I can hear you rattling kettles

And dishes clanking too

I can hear you singing joyfully

Just Kenny Chesney and you

I can feel my heart race, with every kiss

I can feel your gentle touch, it could never be enough

I can feel your arms around me

Making me feel special and secure

I still feel the love inside me

Forever yours I’ll be!

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