
Celebrate our anniversary - can't you see
tonight the snowy night of our first winter
comes back again in every road and tree -
that winter night of diamantine splendour.

Steam is pouring out of yellow stables,
the Moika river's sinking under snow,
the moonlight's misted as it is in fables,
and where we are heading - I don't know.

For The Anniversary Of My Death

Every year without knowing it I have passed the day
When the last fires will wave to me
And the silence will set out
Tireless traveller
Like the beam of a lightless star

Then I will no longer
Find myself in life as in a strange garment
Surprised at the earth
And the love of one woman

On A Wedding Anniversary

The sky is torn across
This ragged anniversary of two
Who moved for three years in tune
Down the long walks of their vows.

Now their love lies a loss
And Love and his patients roar on a chain;
From every tune or crater
Carrying cloud, Death strikes their house.

The Wedding

i wake up early dawn
to witness the changes in sky
from darkness to morn
for a new bride tonight..

the pain is still here
with sadness and anger
today may be the end
tomorrow is never a fine..


It reminded me off years of marriage
Life passed easily on simple carriage
Happy days with joy and I could manage
Nothing went wrong with time and passage

Bad days and cruel luck would have it
Lamp went off suddenly and could not be lit
Fate severely struck with perfect hit
He was taken away within a minute


So the light falls, and so it fell
on branched leaved with flocking birds.
Loght stole a citys weight to swell
the coloured lofe of stone. Your words
hung weightless in my ear: Remember me.

All words except those words were drowned
in the fresh babbling rush of spring.
In summer's dream-filled light one sound
echoed through all the whispering


Let us have birthdays every day,
(I had the thought while I was shaving)
Because a birthday should be gay,
And full of grace and good behaving.
We can't have cakes and candles bright,
And presents are beyond our giving,
But let lt us cherish with delight
The birthday way of lovely living.

For I have passed three-score and ten

Anniversary Song

WHY pacest thou, my neighbour fair,

The garden all alone?
If house and land thou seek'st to guard,

I'd thee as mistress own.

My brother sought the cellar-maid,

And suffered her no rest;


And we go on and on,
Neither sleeping nor awake,
Towards the meeting, unaware
That we are already there.
That the silence is perfect,
And that the flesh is gone.
The call still is not heard
Nor does the Caller reveal his face.

But perhaps this might be

Father 5 - My Father's Hundredth Birth Anniversary

If you had only lived for hundred years,
I would have come running to meet you today,
With a big bunch of flowers,
To wish you a 'Happy birthday',
And give you a big, affectionate hug!
How wonderful it would have been,
To see your dark, handsome face,
Your tall frame with strong shoulders,
And a smile so gracious and joyful!
You were a pillar of strength, power,

Her Immortality

UPON a noon I pilgrimed through
A pasture, mile by mile,
Unto the place where I last saw
My dead Love's living smile.

And sorrowing I lay me down
Upon the heated sod:
It seemed as if my body pressed
The very ground she trod.

On A Young Lady's Sixth Anniversary

Baby Babbles--only one,
Now to sit up has begun.

Little Babbles quite turned two
Walks as well as I and you.

And Miss Babbles one, two, three,
Has a teaspoon at her tea.

But her Highness at four

Supernatural Songs

Ribb at the Tomb of Baile and Aillinn
BECAUSE you have found me in the pitch-dark night
With open book you ask me what I do.
Mark and digest my tale, carry it afar
To those that never saw this tonsured head
Nor heard this voice that ninety years have cracked.
Of Baile and Aillinn you need not speak,
All know their tale, all know what leaf and twig,
What juncture of the apple and the yew,

A Monster Named Little Boy

Right in the middle of bulging war zone
A monster was baptised as ‘Little Boy'
Weighing 9700 Pound or 5 tons apprx.
Was 10 feet tall with 28 inches diameter
Was flown to the land of the rising sun
To create worst ever nightmare of 20th century
When it was dropped over the town of Hiroshima
(The largest town on Honshi Island in Japan)
It caused the first ever Atom Bomb massacre
Killing 80000 men, women and children and

Anniversary Hymn

[sung to tune: "All Saints New"]

Our fathers, in the years grown dim, reared slowly, wall by wall
A holy dwelling-place for Him, that filleth all in all.
They wrought His house of faith and prayer, the rainbow round the Throne,
A precious temple builded fair on Christ the Cornerstone.

The Angel of the Golden Reed hath found the measure strait'

The Woman And The Wife


"You thought we knew," she said, "but we were wrong.
This we can say, the rest we do not say;
Nor do I let you throw yourself away
Because you love me. Let us both be strong,
And we shall find in sorrow, before long,
Only the price Love ruled that we should pay:
The dark is the end of every day,
And silence is the end of every song.

Morituri Salutamus: Poem For The Fiftieth Anniversary

Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis,
Et fugiunt freno non remorante dies.
Ovid, Fastorum, Lib. vi.
'O Cæsar, we who are about to die
Salute you! ' was the gladiators' cry
In the arena, standing face to face
With death and with the Roman populace.
O ye familiar scenes,- ye groves of pine,
That once were mine and are no longer mine,-
Thou river, widening through the meadows green


A faith with trust
This pledge to give
In thought and deed
As one shall live...
Vows they made
Those years ago...today

Now they celebrate
Once again
And have this new

A Winter Day

I think you know that this is winter day.
This time last year woodsmoke blew us away.
Frost wrote the poem on tall panes of gray.

That was the morning of the yellow finch,
A dropp of sun upon a garden bench.
Light raised the bird's momentum, inch by inch.

You held your coffee cup up to the sky,
Promised as long as yellow birds could fly,

One Year Ago—jots What?


One Year ago—jots what?
God—spell the word! I—can't—
Was't Grace? Not that—
Was't Glory? That—will do—
Spell slower—Glory—

Such Anniversary shall be—
Sometimes—not often—in Eternity—