Child Development

As sure as prehistoric fish grew legs
and sauntered off the beaches into forests
working up some irregular verbs for their
first conversation, so three-year-old children
enter the phase of name-calling.

Every day a new one arrives and is added
to the repertoire. You Dumb Goopyhead,
You Big Sewerface, You Poop-on-the-Floor
(a kind of Navaho ring to that one)

Poetic Masterpiece

Poetic Masterpiece: A Childbirth Of Profundity.
Like delivery of Divine Revelations 
which favours calmness of wilderness;  
It's brought forth in Creative-Glory-Of-Solitude:  
an abode of Enlightenment in whose mirror of grace,  
purest passions reflect out from shady reality —
to gratify inflamed curiosity of Inward-Eye,  
as it wanders around source of enchantment,  
seeking in expanded awareness to capture
the essence of a phenomenon shrouded in mystery.

' I Know What Love Is '

love was born
long time ago
from the womb
of sanctity

captivating hearts
tantalizing to eyes
magnetic to emotion
unrestrained all the way

A Special Kind Of Lady

How much do i appreciate you - My Special Lady?
Let me count the ways the whys and the wherefores.
I love you for your mind which interacts with mine
On every known level of intellectuality
Sceintific - Spiritual - Sensitive - Serious & Superficial.
There is nothing under the Sun - that is outside
The expansive curiosity of our inquisitive minds.
Between us we could easily unravel
All the deepest mysteries of the Universe!

A Sign-Seeker

I MARK the months in liveries dank and dry,
The day-tides many-shaped and hued;
I see the nightfall shades subtrude,
And hear the monotonous hours clang negligently by.

I view the evening bonfires of the sun
On hills where morning rains have hissed;
The eyeless countenance of the mist
Pallidly rising when the summer droughts are done.

Put Away Childish Things

Put away childish things
yet keep the childlike wonder.
Though dreams be rent asunder
our wishes still have wings.

Put away childish speech
but not the constant queries
that question rooted theories
which reason cannot reach.

A Higher Being

If you believe in a higher being
And you know he sees it all
You go forward wth a confidence
Whether you rise or fall

If you believe that every lifetime
Is to learn and help you grow
The evolution of each person
The higher being comes to know


Mere amorphous dust in permanent suspension,
in mid-air, nearest to earth and the earth
of your soul MAN, I'm an emissary of some
higher order.What's left of daylight, at night
I turn down the borrowed light through
the darkness of night sky, low to cosmic bliss

as a torch for the benighted and as an
enlightenment of the sky.Though cratered by
imperfection, but free from sun's heat and rain's

In Solitude

In solitude I remain
With absolutely nothing to gain
Perhaps in time I will be strong
You see! Solitude is not my favourite song

A solitary place
Is not where I belong
Read my lips and trace the lines on my face
You see! Solitude is not my favourite song

' Awakening

Alone in the velvet darkness,
a soul dwells
in ignorance


Awareness descends
on the wings
of enlightenment -

~ Mathématiques Ainsi Parlait ~

~ Mathématiques Ainsi Parlait ~
Ms. Nivedita
April 8,2010

At the baseline of pyramid is knowledge

We at baseline of pyramid
Make fight
I’m right

My Unenlightened Self

My Unenlightened Self

The tangible world is breakneck,
Difficult to live with knowledge,
To share light with darkness
is dream,
Dream is an upside down wisdom,
The tangible is inclined joy.

The tangible world is poison,

My Day Is Done

My Day is Done
Day after day with hope new,
One after another I am led,
Life pushes me to move forward,
Day, month and year life moves,
Years after years with same pattern,
The new goal to reach new title,
The Poor run after riches, the sick to health,
Like moving Sun and the Moon,


a new york dusk, long island specifically
with dust in my trails every thought is an epiphany
my soul is no longer similar to the time of my departure
the light breaks through like the arrow of an accurate archer
piercing and sharp was once the pain in my heart
but reversed are those feelings from a boy who was once cursed and in need of a healing
now with my potential seen i have no peak
my destiny is not a river or creek
but a vast ocean with which enlightenment i seek
a slow and egregious process it just may be


Once upon a time I dreamed
I dreamed there was a once upon a time
I dreamed with the mind that dreams
I dreamed in the darkness of dreams
I dreamed the delusion of dreams
I dreamed I was asleep and dreaming
I dreamed a dream in the depths of a dream

Once upon a time I dreamed
I dreamed a dream within a dream

Greatest Wonder

Greatest amazement we feel,
We feel this tender sunlight,
And the growing and dancing
This creeper, who turns face,
Breath of beauty we feel,
Nature with bounty of braveness
And creation with care of beauty,
We feel every wonder generated,
God's greatest wonder is fathomless.

Glimmer Of Spring At Daringbadi

Spring time is a great time of love
And this blooms when sun beautifies tender sky,
Spring allows us to sing and
Spring allows us to feel the beauty of nature.
Spring thanks us and you also thank us.
As per change of time everything changes.

Spring is king of all seasons and
Queen of billions of creatures,
Many poets have sung about spring.

! ! Our Comet Wise

Our comet with a fiery tail
moves slowly as it enters
heavens doors, to illuminate
the way to peace, the bliss,
the happiness that waits,
for all that seek to live a truth.

Our Comet Wise, tours our
Universe, it swoops through
the heavens with the speed

Knocking In Silence

Portrait of my teen days,
Reminiscences of youth,
Image of holiness in her
Youth of my longing heart,
Achievements of my soul
Nozzle of my flawless emotions,
Kite of my passionate being
Are all embedded into one, that is you.

During Transformation

Any good step taken for development
This is first objected by few
Who are jealous and violent,
They stand against us to destroy,
They attack us severely,
They send message to many others
Not to support any good work and good man
And they severely criticize,
But we are not in way to leave
We are in God's mission of peace.