abhilash fraizer

abhilash fraizer Poems

Dreams, fallen from the stars,
Glistened in your eyes, dear.
They spoke to my soul
Of an everlasting love,

Blind-eyed Tiresias had thousand colored dreams,
Our thousand eyed world don't!
Then, what is blindness?

Irresistible invitation of nature,
To the primordial joys-
The joys before the civilizations were born,

Bathing in warm water
Rekindles in me
All the warmth of my childhood!
Even today, on this cold rainy day,

Writing a poem is
Stepping into endlessness

A moment ago

For you, before the night falls,
I pour out my heart's melody and music,
In celebration of a sweet meeting with a poetic friend.
And when night, the darkest of my friends, do come

Life is a combat with time...
Still I dare to dream of outwitting time,
Having sipped eternity in a sleep as profound as death!
Search Out!

O Night, the darkest of my friends!
I've just tears to give you!
If you ask for more and plead
I've a heartful of sighs too!

Its heart-warming and soothing
To find friends with poetic wings
And watch them hover
On the sky of imagination

The playground is forlorn
The player a grieving loner,
Games were battles; they decided my fate!
One after another, every defeat

I am a stone
In a morn I was thrown
Into the gloom of Gathsamene.
I was alone, I could only mourn

You blew into my nights
With acidic breaths.
Never a touch-
But a cyclone of passionate words

It was when you walked out of my life
That my life first tasted blood,
The blood oozing from my heart!

At the end of all
We would sit by the seashore
Wrinkled, grey-bearded, mellow
And once again kids

Babe in the street waste bin,
Just out of the womb,

Let my soul fly out!
Out of this cage that chokes me
To the heavens of free air,
To the land of sunshine…!

Live like the sun
and set like the sun,
Even if it's for one day!
Smile like the moon

In a world of noices and wars, my friend,
keep a space for melody in your heart...
Nurture your soul in love, and exhale
The deepest truths of your heart...

On every silent intervel
Heart keeps awake
With melodies of warmth...
Every heartbeat sings in rhythm

Divine vermillion frothing up
From the bottomless cavern of life!
The steam of love rolls up into the air
In some holy holocaust's fashion!

abhilash fraizer Biography

Writer from Kerala, the Southernmost end of India. Charmed by words from early childhood, I wrote my first creative piece of writing at the age of 10. Classics that filled my lonely teenage years flamed my imagination that burst into words, which stealthily intruded my notebooks. Loved poems, novels, short stories and every piece that bloomed out of sheer imagination and passion. Written quite a few poems, novels, short stories and personal reflections both in English and my mother tongue. Published a few books. Feel like born to write and love to write. When I stop writing, I wither...hence I write.)

The Best Poem Of abhilash fraizer

Everlasting Things Are Incomplete!

Dreams, fallen from the stars,
Glistened in your eyes, dear.
They spoke to my soul
Of an everlasting love,
You and I yearned for…
Your eyes once sheltered me,
Your eyelashes fanned my soul,
And taught me to dream
Stars and galaxies…
Holding your slender hand
I swam down the layers of love,
And sailed the oceans of love…
They were the days…
Dreams of fallen stars
Still open their eyes…
But in my memory!
Everlasting things
Are to be left incomplete!

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