Addy Adenawo

Addy Adenawo Poems

How long would it take before the veil would drop?
How long before the bubble burst?
Her perfect world is crumbling right before her eyes
She can do nothing but watch it crash

Some people believe, there is a one
The one who points, your way to the sun.
A person they believe, makes them complete
The one who will support, when facing defeat

Where doth time fly to as it goes by
And why is it in such a hurry
Giving the impression of being late for a whirlwind ride
Leaving us flustered and worried

From the well of her being
Flowed a depth of humanity
She treaded a path, then beamed
A warmth that lights up humanity

Let's blur the line that divides
Erase the mark that separates the foolish from the wise
Merge them and see
If the sky's really different from the sea

Dust swirling around
Withered leaves dropping in sync
Harmattan's cruelty

To take the unseen hand and
Feed the tingling itch
To live the dream nobody knows

Hands filled
with precious gems
washed up by the waves

From what womb did this fruit emerge?
When did you open your eyes?
To gaze upon the purge
that ravaged these lands

The decay of a seed helps spring forth a new bud
That would one day grow to be a tree, big and strong
Life's like a gift horse; don't look it in the mouth
As fragile as egg shells; trend softly around the wild route

She dreams of a world much larger than this
A world that can come alive at the flick of her wrist
She lives this enchanted world through her books
Each coarse page filled with nobles, knights and even crooks


There's goodness in everyone
Waiting for a chance to break forth
Lurking, lonely in the darkest part of the most heartless villain
Waiting for a light to set it free through the eyes of baby Julia

The journey is filled with tears
That long harrowing, drenching outpouring
It's plagued by the demons from hell
Impatience, defeat and jealousy

Meet me on the path between your wants and your needs
Where love blooms like a flower between cracks
Swift like the eagle soaring high above greed
And even higher in the sky, leaving indelible marks

I've got the perfect hiding place for all pain and sorrow
A place where heartaches can be stored away till tomorrow
Every problem i'm unwilling to address
I simply toss them in the box until a time when i'm ready to have a redress

Just the thought would pull any woman out of the darkest mood
It'd pierce and shatter any kind of gloom
A radiant smile would burst out and she'd giggle in pure delight
An exciting and bubbly interest it'd ignite

The wind has risen again, the tide is high
The sky darken, these are the signs
Of a storm much stronger than the last
Of a rain moving in fast

There's nothing more fulfilling than to love and be loved in return
It'd make the heart swell and the head swirl
Turning starving hearts wild like drunks intoxicated with an exquisite wine
Making grown men want to cry

The Best Poem Of Addy Adenawo

Rude Awakening

How long would it take before the veil would drop?
How long before the bubble burst?
Her perfect world is crumbling right before her eyes
She can do nothing but watch it crash

Her heart was in her eyes, she wore it on her sleeve
Brighter than a beacon, plain for the world to see
She wove dreams faster than she could see them
Pitching tents with an enemy disguised as a friend

No matter how many times she gets scarred she still goes back to get burnt again
Hoping that her lover's love would be regained
She still holds out a torch
For the love she's lost

A love that was never hers to hold
Too slick to stick to the soul
Still she burns a candle every night
And says a prayer for her world to become right

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