Akhtar Jawad Poems

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A Cold Rainy Night Of December

For me every day is a holiday,
and the proceeding nice night,
what else I can say,
is lovely and bright!

The Third Eye

I was drowned in the beauty of the eye in the right,
I was crowned with love on a throne in a night,
In a twinkling of that eye I lost my self and forgot who I am,
How lovely were the days when all traffics were jam!

She Came In My Arms

Winter was decaying,
Summer was delaying,
Mild rain showers,
And budding flowers,

I Will Rise Once Again

So what,
if you have started ignoring me now,
I know you have billions of lovers on this earth,

Your Mother, Your Friend

My elder bother was born in nineteen thirty nine,
And I was born in nineteen forty five,
He often faced funny words of mine,
He is dead and I am alive.

Smiles Don't Need A Reason

There are moments of tears, too,
but every moment is a moment of smiles,
without a reason.

Rose Marie Juan Austin

Rose is the perfumed page sprung at the website just to delight,
Marie appears in the colorful petals as poetic beauty realized,
Juan are the thoughts that are gifted by the Ancient Knight,
Austin is the magic of poetry that makes a reader hypnotized.

Spectrum Of Nature

I can see the sun,
I Can see the moon,
I can see the stars,
I can see the Milky Ways,

A Preplaned X-Mas Prayer

My Lord! Kill me and send me back,
I don't ask for a very big pack,
Just two wings as I want to fly,
For descending back from the sky,

A Woman In The Rains

I am below an umbrella,
I am chasing my Cinderella,
Visibility tends to zero,
I am a teen-aged hero,

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