Alessandra Liverani Poems

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The Hoverer

Smokers love to live in Fantasy Land
They swim in its warm waters and play with its white sand
Listen to the announcements piped through its loudspeakers
They haven’t ever found a place that is any sweeter

High Anxiety

Thank goodness, the yellow ball is hanging from the rope
If it weren't there, well I really don't think I could cope
Oh no, it's now the red ball swinging in the breeze
My hands tense up, I start to sweat, my whole body's in a freeze

Caught In A Rip

You're only ten metres from shore
But it may as well be one hundred, or even more
The current you didn't know existed
Is taking you out with strength most twisted

My Cigarette, My Friend

I've got a bit of sinus
My throat's a little bit dry
My lungs are a little bit wheezy
But I'm not going to cry

- Spectacle Debacle: : Humour

The day was nigh approaching, coming sooner than I wished
When I would have to pay a visit to the local optometrist
No longer could I reason that it was the font size which was miniscule
I'd have to put on glasses and expose myself to ridicule

Not A Problem

Sure, I smoke, but it's not a problem
There is no problem I see
It's social, it's enjoyable, it's relaxing
What possible problem could there be?

What's On At The Movies

They can lock you in a dank cell and turn off the light
But they can’t stop your imagination’s fanciful flight
You alone have the power to pick out a reel
And it’s your choice which affects exactly how you feel


A healthy, eager youngster decides to take up smoking
For a while
He doesn't really like it
But he wants to look in style

I Can'T Be Bothered

Why don't smokers think like this?

I can't be bothered smoking cigarettes
It really is a pain

I Don'T Need Them

Today I have decided not to smoke for evermore
I've come to the conclusion that they really are a bore
And I think I realise now where I was always going wrong
My mantra of 'I don't need them' is not what I should sing along

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