Angel A. Lockwood Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Refuse To Be Ignored

Something's you just cant ignore like,
The negative energy from disrespect
Which is as a big red spot on white canvas or
a loud scream or fine china crashing to the floor


I recall the summers of yesterday
The thought of them somehow won't go away
The laughter, the play, and the sunny days
The people, the places, all the joy too

Nyc On My Mind

I woke up in North Carolina
Yet New York was on my mind
Thinking of leaving it all behind
I could imagine the subway hustle

To Thy Own Self Be True

I know you now, because I know me better
My face sort of frowned asI opened the dear john letter
Your twisted views, made my heart faint as my palms became wetter.
As announced a change of plans according to you

Something To Say

In society today
It seems as if many have something to say
Yet, it appeaes as they speak the wind simply blows it all away.
Leaving most people wondering what was really said


Peace, love, knowledge and laughter
Who can measure?
These great items are a few of God's
greatest treasures

Walking In Another's Shoes

I went to visit my mother's Hometown
I now have a much better understanding of
the many events in her life
which were never, ever

July's Fire

It's hotter than July
Even thou officially
It's November and just think
In just a few days it shall be the Winter of December

Styles Of Elegance

Love is always in fashion
A timeless covering, that flatters
Love presents you flawess
Comes in a variety of shapes and colors

Help Wanted

Single momma went to the fridge and
It was bare, as being the provider for her household
She was filled care.
Yet she remember that God promised to always be there

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