ArmourQuill Hunter Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Counterfeit Stupid Cupid

Stupid Cupid, many fallacies ascribe your destined trip
Of course I'd like to clip your wings, for an uneven fit
For ones, in-love-with, who are in-love-with another
Past sibling rivalry love or humanity’s type for a brother

Boring Yet Illustrious Ancestors

In History, the Prophetess (Joseph of Arimathea’s dau.) wed two kings…
Anna (Don Verch Mathonwy) Enygeus” who was also a warrior who’d sing!
First married “Beli Mawr Heli, Ap Manogan; which 2-of-my line descend.
She weds also “Brân/ Bron, Ap Llyr Llediaith” of another line to end.

My Personal Trainer

Being a conductor is like being a coach, an editor, and a director.
This is what the Holy Spirit is like, delivering me from detractors.
Being the best means work, and a good manager plans ahead.
It’s like praying the answer~, not the problem, by Wisdom led.

God Told Noah To Build An Ark

God told Noah to build an ark
Build it high and build it smart
Earth's cycle of grace had come to an end
But not for Noah's family, His friend

Two Natures Within

Two natures fighting within my chest
One aspect is bad, the other’s at rest
Christ now rules the bad nature, so I can gain
If it weren’t for Him~ I would’ve gone insane

'When You Taught Me How To Dance (Movie Lyrics) '

When you taught me how to dance, little girl with misty eyes,
Every step in silent glance-, every move a sweet surprise.
Others must have taught you well, to beguile and to entrance.
For I wont forget that night, when you taught me how-to-dance.

Attitude Of Gratitude

The sum-total of selfishness is met when we're self-consumed.
Still, there are many who give thanks amidst their gloom~.
We’ve all see a spoilt child who needs correction.
Things done in God’s name bring a brighter connection.

Extended Family Members~ One

Dysfunctional conditions of family fractions diminish the whole.
Smaller mindsets diminish by cutting off limbs from God’s goal.

Judgmental and sectarian ways of mindsets from pride’s evil.

The Apple Of His Eye

I’m the one who Love’s you; more than you’ll ever know
I’ve been your escape Goat, as many are from long ago
Let me share what time I have~ on earth deepest night
Within the arms of faith and trusting ones of the LIGHT

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Power accelerates up the ladder and then influences down
Oft' Effecting the middle man and many of the kids in town
White-collar-crime exploit’s the sexes for greed’s game
Not much difference than gang-bangers to morally frame

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