binti laye

binti laye Poems

If you throw balls down the hill
With kids running wildly in the field
Balls stripped, rounds and of all colors
You will see kids alive and joyous

Gather a band of thousand drums
Train each percussionist a million times
Rehearse the umpteenth time
Set the stage befitting a royal

Laden with the burden of a dozen beings
Strapped to a wall of hundred nails
Mouth gagged with rousted pins
Devoid of cries

The Pranks Of France

We set up crocodile farms,
We harvest them, peel them live,

The Burden We All Bear
my tears
each weep
for those whipped


This breath is a drag
Like opium from an Afghan stall
Like funnels rigged into blacksmiths' bellows

I Owe Thee
I owe
But not the bank
Indebted not to Shylock

(Corona to Heaven)
The Vignettes of Rome
The beauty of Rome
Abandoned to its own gaze

In life, some moments are spurs
Ripening in buds
Waiting for the bursts
Now we lay the pipes

Panic rushed through my veins
Tough they were, the pains
Welled up like a flooded pound
For moments I wondered how the day would pass

United Kingdom mourn the more
United Kingdom plea for mercy
For your wrongs are many
And the sticks are thorny

A day to drown has just dawned
All I want is cry with you
And be soaked in my own tears
Weep so much to cause a flood

Do we die when we breathe the last?
Or when we seethe each moment
Like a patient on a terminal list?

If I had a golden crest
Would I lay it on your breast
Would rather dash it to a pest
For you have been cursed by the priest


Like a feather thrown towards a furnace
Guided is my path through a funnel
Had I the will I would dig a tunnel
But I am transfixed by your barrel


There is a song
On my tongue from my soul
Composed for you
With bliss I sing


Before I wade like a duck

I am a flower, hibiscus my clover

Woven beads decked on my temple
Each plucked from distant mountains
Beneath the crown sweats trickle
Slithering back into my scalped head

The Best Poem Of binti laye

Games Day

If you throw balls down the hill
With kids running wildly in the field
Balls stripped, rounds and of all colors
You will see kids alive and joyous
Each with rhymes distinct yet in accord

But if your impose rules; the other way
And drop cannons on the kids`way
What will you have to pack the debris
Of tongues torn and bones smashed?

Choices at your feet
Spur this joy
Spew fire on these fields,

Or let the kids make their songs of praises.

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