Bob Gotti Poems

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The Plagues On Egypt

When God spoke to Moses about Egypt He made it clear from the start,
To show His Power and Glory He was going to harden Pharaoh's heart.

When Aaron's staff became a snake Pharaoh turned to his magic art,

Salt And Light

In this world, where wrong is right, we are to be Salt and Light,
That, as we live out this life, by the teachings, of Jesus Christ,
His salt and light in a world, so Truth in our lives we will herald,
As our lives reflect His Truth, with salt and light as living proof.

Loving Kindness

To live fruitfully, in difficult days, is for God’s Glory and Praise,
While loving kindness fills our life, by the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
When in God we are Born Again, kindness we afford to all men,
With a renewed heart and mind, we share His love with mankind.

Resurrection Power

Jesus Christ has risen my friend, now, life through Him has no end,
For witnesses who saw Christ die, saw Him risen to ascend on high,
To the women, the angel had said, Christ has risen, He is not dead,
Indeed many others came to see, the tomb of Christ, is now empty.

Removing The Veil

All people are born with a spiritual veil that covers their face,
Left in its place this veil hides both God's Truth and His Grace.

God sent His Son to earth, with the intent to take this veil away,

If You Seek God

If you seek God with all your heart, He will guide you from the start,
If you will only follow God’s lead, you shall find Him, it’s guaranteed.
He will lead you with His Spirit, so heed His Word when you hear it.
You will hear God from the start, if you seek Him with all your heart.

God's Grace And Mercy

God’s Grace and Mercy work hand in hand in Christ, who came to serve,
It is because of His Mercy, we do not receive what we truly deserve.
And it’s by God’s Grace; we do receive what we do not truly deserve.
This eternal message of Hope is to be preached until all have heard.

A Condescending Love

God, who’s seated above the sky, condescended to this world below.
He who reigns from up on high, came to earth with His Love to show.
God sent His Son for you and I, a Savior sent, whom we could know.
The Living God came down to die; having sent a gift of life to bestow.

The Throne Of Grace

You can reach The Throne of Grace, my friend, any time in any place,
Where you can reach The Lord of all, from above, He’ll hear your call.
Friend, you can call on Him today, He’ll listen to what you have to say.
You can speak to The Lord audibly, or simply from your heart silently.

God’s Helping Hand

Let The Lord help you today, to find the path of His favored Way,
God’s Way unto abundant Life, the way above the grief and strife.
The helping hand of The Lord, will intervene when He’s implored,
As men seek God’s helping hand, in ways we cannot understand.

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