Bob Gotti Poems

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Provided By The Bread Of Life

Even in the proverbial wilderness, we can trust in God’s faithfulness,
Looking back on what God has done, we trust in God’s Eternal Son,
When our life takes a darker turn, through a trial we continue to learn,
In the faithfulness of God above, as we rest in God’s Gracious Love.

Imputed Righteousness

My heart and mind are so depraved, yet, by God I’ve been saved,
When to me God would afford, salvation through Christ, The Lord,
Through salvation, I am forgiven, now, New Life I have been given,
Now in Christ, I’m a New Creation, all afforded by God’s Salvation.

Comfort In God’s Sufficiency

God is sufficient in all things, as trials to us this life brings,
For He is The Lord over all, all our problems big and small,
Taking us from place to place, God leads us by His Grace,
As we come to another bend, God gives victory in the end.

Self Control

All believers can have self control, as they obey the Lord over all,
In a sinful world filled with strife, this when we follow Jesus Christ,
Moved by His Word as we hear it, producing the fruit of the Spirit,
This, as we travel this earthly sod, convicted by The Spirit of God.

God Of All Comfort

I serve a God of all comfort, when I am faced with pain and hurt,
In this fallen world, filled with strife, God comforts me in this life,
In an evil world, tainted by sin, He comforts all who come to Him,
God Comforts those in this life, who truly belong to Jesus Christ.

True Repentance

Today in the Body there’s a sense, we are missing true Repentance,
The fear of God is missing in us, many who belong to Christ Jesus,
Have many who have come to faith, taken advantage of His Grace?
Continuing on in their old behavior; not truly walking with the Savior.

Vessels Of God

I simply choose to understand, I am just a vessel in God’s Hand,
An empty vessel that He uses, as He desires, where He chooses,
Led by God’s Holy Spirit within, this, as all the glory goes to Him,
While The Lord above uses my life, as a witness for Jesus Christ.

Let Us Adore Him

During one season, every year, there are songs that all will hear.
Songs like come let us adore Him, that baby born in Bethlehem,
About the birth of God’s Only Son, Who was born for everyone,
For a bigger time and reason, than the adoration of one season.

From The Desert

You can trust The Great I AM, to obey and serve The Risen Lamb,
Even in the mist of our desolation, we’re led by God’s Revelation,
Being strangers in a foreign land, we are led by God’s Holy Hand,
The Eternal I AM, Jesus Christ, is that One Who directs all our life.

Living In Expectation

Living faithfully and expectantly, must be life for you and me,
In Christ alone we have reason, this regardless of the season,
To long for the return of Christ, no matter where we are in life,
While we live, all that we learn, with our hope in Christ's return.

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