Bob Gotti Poems

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All Power

He said “all power is given to me, ” “in Heaven and earth” for all eternity,
The words spoken by The Risen Lord; Truth that should not be ignored,
Spoken to men who truly believed, power from Him, they also received,
The power of The Resurrected Christ, would change every disciple’s life.

God’s Direction

I only need to be quiet and still, as The Lord works out His will,
Within my life this very day, guiding me in all that I do and say,
The Lord’s will I may not know, as He shows me the way to go,
As God guides my daily life, through The Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Heart To Mind Changes

True change begins in the heart, that is where new life will start,
The heart prompts the mind, to open eyes that once were blind,
Blinded to the Truth from God, but the heart and mind both nod,
In agreement with Jesus Christ, who then will transform that life.

Lacking Truth

Many people, we know and see, have no real concept of Eternity,
The here and now they understand, but, not divine things at hand,
They know that all will live and die; but, about a future life on high,
About the many to be cast below; eternal truths they do not know.

Starting My Day

In the morning with a heartfelt nod, I lift up my prayer to God,
With a humbled thankful heart, I thank Christ for another start,
For another workday has begun, while I am led by God’s Son,
One more day with Jesus Christ, the very Sustainer of my life.

I Am Sent The Lamb

Yes indeed The Eternal “I AM”, sent to the earth the Precious Lamb,
Who takes away the sin of the world, this with joy, today we herald,
The Good News of God’s Salvation, we must issue to every nation,
“I AM” came for every single life, The Precious Savior, Jesus Christ.

Graying God’s Truth

All God’s Truth is black and white, with not a way to turn left or right,
No room at all for any liberal sway, as it’s a straight and narrow way,
A way which is an affront to most, as liberal ways they’d rather host,
Embracing this world’s amoral ways, while we slide into darker days.

Beyond Man’s Plans

When man’s simple plans go awry, I can trust The Lord on high,
In His stable unchanging plan, which includes every single man,
When man’s plans crumble and fall, In The Lord I can stand tall,
Upheld by His Omnipotent hand, through the chaos I can stand.

Work Of God In A Life

As The Lord works in us spiritually, He also does a work practically,
Not only does He save us friend, but, works out the time we spend,
While In this present life as we live, a spiritual insight, God will give,
Given to all who come to Christ, as God begins to move in their life.

Upheld In His Hand

During the times I don’t understand, I am upheld in God’s hand.
Even when unfaithfully in despair, God extends His loving care,
Always faithful is God’s Love, which He directs from up above,
In the present time of my life, comforted by The Spirit of Christ.

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