Bri Edwards Poems

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As I lay face-up upon my bed, strange thoughts roared inside my head.
The ceiling light's cover seemed like a pearl, causing my synapses to swiftly swirl.
Was I really in a house, pray tell? Or was I encased in a huge oyster shell?
Was I a man such as you might greet, or was I a great big hunk of oyster meat?

In U.S.A., smoke alarms are wide-spread,
used, in case of fire, to stir you out of bed,
from the cozy comfort needed to restore …..
your body ‘and mind' for tomorrow's MORE …

TEDDY WISHED TO BE BETTY....[ ' Anatomical Gender ' Vs. ' Mental Gender ';
Who Shall Decide One's Gender Role(s) ? , 'You' or 'her, him, or ' Other ' '? ]

Yes, I’m just TOO NICE, but I won’t “blow my own horn”.
It’s something that came naturally to me, ever since ……I was born.
Even BEFORE my birth, “niceness”, to me, did stick.
Why, not ONCE, when I was in the womb, did I, my mommy, kick!

You may not believe this story, but I assure you it is true.
Each week I volunteer at our library and one of the jobs I do ….
is to use Clorox wipes to sanitize the public computer section.
No germ is safe when I get going; NONE avoid detection.


There’s a northern creature to avoid,
who will bite you and keep you well-annoyed.
You may never see one in zoo or museum,
and that’s because it’s a “NO-see-‘em”.

Today’s News said fans tore a referee to pieces.
I wonder if they tore..... along the ref’s creases.

But it wasn’t just random fanatic-fan strife,
since the ref first killed the fans’ player..... with a knife.

Dashing through the downpour of rain,
thinking to myself: "Bri, this is so insane!
I really don't need the ice cream this much,
even though it is SO YUMMY and it's my crutch …

[ A Poem-letter ]

My name is Brian and my only child, Shannon, I love.

Comfortably in my casket I was resting.
Then Tom Allport said: 'arise', [only jesting].
But, to Tom's, and Valsa's, and Stuart's surprise,
I jumped straight up three feet or more. I tell YOU no lies.

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