Accidental Hacking ........ [humor; Computer Security; Personal; Not Long Or Short] Poem by Bri Edwards

Accidental Hacking ........ [humor; Computer Security; Personal; Not Long Or Short]

Rating: 4.6

You may not believe this story, but I assure you it is true.
Each week I volunteer at our library and one of the jobs I do ….
is to use Clorox wipes to sanitize the public computer section.
No germ is safe when I get going; NONE avoid detection.
As I wipe across a keyboard ….i sometimes see the screen flicker,
but I don't pause to pay attention, else my boss will shout "Clean quicker! "

The other day, in the U.S. Mail, by registered mail, receipt-requested,
I got an envelope (return address "NSA"): I was shocked by suggested.

It seems our country's ‘security agency' had received recent complaints.
They'd been asked by many to find a U.S. hacker …..and apply restraints.
The NSA's agents had narrowed down the list of suspects to ……JUST ME!
It seems my random wiping of keys had caused a hacking spree.

The Russians had held back in Europe, feeling their plans were compromised.
Trump said he'd had proof, of Obama's foreign birth, stolen. (I wasn't surprised.)
Coca-Cola claims its secret formula's been stolen; they've forgotten what it was.
Even Santa's called about hacking at the North Pole. His elves are all abuzz.

Well I called the toll free number supplied and asked for agent "Q".
I explained that perhaps their suspicions were correct. What was I to DO? ?
She said "For now don't DO anything. We'll send a cleaning crew."
So now each week I just shelve books. My cleaning days are through.

(May 30.2014)

Saturday, May 31, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: humor
i do wipe computer keyboards etc. at the library with Clorox wipes. but i am no hacker, intentional or accidental! [as far as i know! ] and my boss would not 'shout', unlike me. i suppose some 'foreigners' (and plenty of 'americans') will not know who i mean by 'Trump'; google Trump Donald. but i assume more will have heard of the russians, obama, coca-cola, and santa. probably Coca-Cola will be most widely known around the world! ! ! AND AS I SAID: 'this is a true story'. bri :)
Bri Edwards 31 May 2014

while i was typing this poem into computer i realized i had msspelled spree as spry. spry IS a word; it describes me....on a good day! bri thanks for reading. :) i

1 0 Reply
Bri Edwards 31 May 2014

i just voted a 10 for this poem, FOUR TIMES, just to see what will happen. i don't vote on poems otherwise. bri :)

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Bri Edwards 19 May 2023

Well,9 years after I published the poem, MORE people know of Russia 'held back in Europe', and of Donald Trump. But do they know about ME? ? ? ? bri ;)

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Ayman Parray 18 November 2015

I really enjoyed this piece, Bri. It is wonderful and hilarious definitely. Thank you.

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Kim Barney 12 June 2015

This is hilarious, Bri. And your four votes only registered once, because the system knows you have already voted on this poem and can't do it again. Someone else has voted it a seven because it shows a score of 8.5 with two votes. I am going to add my vote of ten and that should give you a score of nine with three votes. Let's see if that's how it really calculates it.

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Chuy Amante 04 June 2014

Your story is great and such, do you break all you touch? If so, please stay away from cyber space you may just re-start a nuclear arms race!

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Bri Edwards 21 June 2024

My (4th) wife says I break what I touch, including women's hearts! ! ! Alas! ! ! ! Well, she and I are still married ten years after I submitted this poem! ! ! ! bri ;) .....(I think)

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Darlene Walsh 01 June 2014

Does that mean the germs are now safe from detection? As always, very funny :) And I have heard of Trump.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success