Bri Edwards Poems

Hit Title Date Added

I breathe deeply, as suggested by this site, and a 'new poem' I now compose.
These seven poems brought me such entertainment (enough I do suppose) .....
....that if others read some of them, their days may blossom like a Spring rose,
a rose with beautiful color, a calming odor, and NO thorns to grab & tear clothes!

Some of you think you know me well,
but I doubt you do. Now I will tell …
‘the way it is'.
My life that is, specifically that I AM shy ….,

Speak to me, Moon, of what you see.
Oh! I forgot; you CAN'T see. Pardon me.

Then speak to me, Moon, of what you hear.


'Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.'

Look at this (the comments left on some of my more recently submitted ' Showcases '; I've NOT included comments left by me) :

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Bri's Second October '22 Showcase, This One Built With Poems, Not Bri's Notes....[ Submitted In October, Not September This Time ] Comments

I don't dine in five-star restaurants; no frills I need while eating;
I've no desire for a waitress to help me with my.......seating.
But, in seeking new poem titles, it may seem I search the dregs*;
today I found 'Paper Frills Decorative Holders for Turkey Legs'.


This is NOT a single poem written by me. It is a collection of poems, mostly by other poets. I have been putting together usually-monthly-showcases for years. This years' problems on P-H (which continue to a lesser degree) have caused me to miss several months and now I MAY have two smaller (than usual) showcases in the same month, as I did last month in June.

'6 Foot 3'......[long; Scary; Gross; Murder]

I'll tell you a crime story that you've never heard,
But first you'll have to promise to not spread the word.
It started many years ago on the Massachusetts coast.
Most of those who know of it are now themselves ghosts.

Dusk shall soon overtake the pale blue sky & the sun shall 'set'.
Since I submitted NO December showcase, you now shall GET....
....a January showcase in TWO PARTS, with poems I've favored.... on P-H and now share with they may be savored...

Janice worked 9-5 as her boss's secretary.
At work she was sedate. But her evenings could be scary.
You see, Janice lived a bit on the ‘wild side',
something which, from her coworkers, she did hide.

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