Casey O'Sheridan

Casey O'Sheridan Poems

If the dawn should cease to burn
And the seasons should cease to turn
If all the world should go awry
And all the stars begin to die


My mind is racing
A constant Déjà vu

Dreams why do you torment me so?
With visions of that for which I long for the most
But alas shall never come to be
Visions which escape my grasp every time like a ghost

Something is missing what could it be?
My love, my love oh where is he?
This is driving me crazy can't you see

Oh to smell-no! To taste the morning air!
The deliciously crisp and sweet air for which I long
Breezes carry the tantalizing aroma, hypnotizing my senses

Chance, destiny, fate,
Call it what you will,
We have the ability to change ours
But our lives are not predestined


Words so easily fill up a page
They make a blank surface look full
As empty as they may be

Thinking of simpler times
Of tempos, and beats, and rymes
Of peace and love and things
Before there were tyrants or kings

Keen ears pinned back attentively
Eager pawing of dusty earth
Nodding head longing to be freed
Heart hammering against the girth

The Best Poem Of Casey O'Sheridan

Our Eternal Romance

If the dawn should cease to burn
And the seasons should cease to turn
If all the world should go awry
And all the stars begin to die

If the foundations of the earth should break
And the whole universe begin to shake
Our love shall remain sweet and strong
And through Him last for all eternity long

If the planets should begin to fall
And the birds should cease to sing and call
If the oceans should lose their keep
And all the winds should cease to speak

If the sky and the earth should begin to part
And should destructions reign come to start
Through His holy eyes we can see
That our lives, entwined will always be

And when heaven opens to recieve us
In God's promise we can always trust
There sitting at His holy feet
In His presence, oh so sweet

With you my earthly companion and lover
Now my eternal friend and brother
The same song we'll forever sing
To Him our savior and our king

Lifting together our one combined voice
In our eternal companionship we will rejoice
With you forever is a dream come true
Without you or Him what could I do?

The angles delightfully sing and dance
They all rejoice in our wonderous romance
Our undying unity is so pure and holy
I am yours and His fully and soley!

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