Chuck Audette Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Adult Adhd

Adult ADHD
has gotten me
too much TV
can't you see?

A Different Kind Of Graffiti Artist

'Truth is Love'
such words were said
as the poet painted
the town

A Tall Tale

To the heavens they would rise
my yarns, excuses, alibis.
Such tall tales I could tell
and all constructed very well

An October Night (Halloween Poem)

the wind whispers
a wary warning
There was plenty, still
early this morning

A Guy In Trouble At The Speedway

in a dress
I suddenly find
a sea of laughing faces

Free Cat

a loud crash
shocks me from sleep
that damn cat
knocked my stuff in a heap

A Fitting Pun

a fitting pun -
I was misled
the seamstress
was only

The Medical Examiner's Love

the medical examiner knew
she wasn't up-to-dating
but this was the woman who
he'd spent his life a-waiting

A Relationship, Of Sorts

Love flew in my window
I thought 'whatever for? ! '
in the past it just brought woe
so I showed it to the door

The Cannibal Joke Song

A man gets captured by cannibals
every day they poke him with spears
they use his blood to wash down their food
at the end of the week, he's in tears.

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