Cindy Rheeder

Cindy Rheeder Poems

You consume my mind,
During the day,
As well as the night,
You chase me down in my dreams,

Here I am, walking this path alone,
Bare feet across this desert floor,
I'm a wounded soldier,
Until I laid my eyes upon you,

Unfaithful is all you think of me,
And all the tears you made me cry,
I wished you’d just see,
That everything you say of me is a lie.

I can’t seem to get you off my mind,
No, no matter how I try,
Whenever you are near,
I can’t help the smile that seems to appear,

What is this love at first sight drivel?
That made my heart swivel?
So hard I tried not to stare,
But such is life - so unfair,

Be still my weak heart,
You are going way of the chart,
Listen to the strong mind,
And see what you will find.

Don't go playing with my fragile heart,
There's no place for tears anymore,
Just a space occupied by hazel eyes and a smile so bright,
Don't go playing with my fragile heart,

I'm on the brink of insanity and obsession,
After making this hateful confession,
I can't believe how much I care,
About you and I swear,

I think that I may be in love with you,
Whenever you’re near my heart skips a few beats.
And when you look in my eyes,
I get all flustered with butterflies,


I've been awake since the crack of dawn,
Thinking of what I'll say to you today,
But when I see that smile on your face,
Everything inside me drops to my smouldering heart.


For almost a year,
I've been secretly in love with you,
I have never told you out of fear,
That you never felt this lost too.

Ek's ‘n swakeling, ‘n Struikeling,
My hart versteek - was nood gedwing,
My tranne in die reën gegooi.
Die rante van my hart - Steeds onvoltooid,

I can’t seem to ignore these feelings,
So I try and avoid your gaze,
It scares me to know,
That your eyes never miss a single beat,

You know I am such a fool for you,
And I don’t know what to do,
I can’t help my blushing smile,
No not even for a little while,

My mind’s a mess,
And I must confess,
You’re the reason behind my smile,
And I’ve been feeling like this for quite a while,

I am intoxicated by your presence,
You can compel me to stay with just one glare,
I wish you would be clearer,
With all your mixed signals,

I’m thinking about you,
Wishing that you feel the same way too,
You give me fluttering butterflies,
When you gaze at me with those smouldering eyes,

My Son,
You have a Father that loves you dearly,
A Father that you have changed clearly,
He is proud of you even when you fail,


I'm not as pretty like the other girls you like,
But I can put up a damn good fight,
I'm madly in love with you
Wish you'd feel the same way too,

Come away with me,
Take my hand, lead the way.
Show me places I've never seen before,
Say my name, share your pain.

The Best Poem Of Cindy Rheeder

You Consume Me

You consume my mind,
During the day,
As well as the night,
You chase me down in my dreams,
Your eyes is all I ever see.

You consume my mind,
During breakfast,
As well as lunch,
The way you say my name,
Your glorious voice is all I ever hear.

You have consume my mind,
Your very existence gives me butterflies,
Your eyes can make me blush,
And your voice consumes my every thought.

You have consumed my mind,
You are all I ever think of,
During the night and day,
Whether I am awake or asleep,
In thought or a dream,
You have consumed me.

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