Best Poets of Classics

Charlie F. Kane (born Charles Foster Kane) is a 19 year-old student from Birmingham, U.K and currently attends De Montfort Univeristy in Leicester where he studies Creative Writing and Drama Studies. Charlie previously attened Solihull Sixth Form College. There he studied English Literature, Philosophy, and Theatre Studies. In his first year at college he studied Classical Civilization but choose to dropp it at the beginning of the second-year. A descion which he partially regrets as he still has a great love for Greek mythology.

Charlie was insipred to start writing poetry and lyrics for several reasons. At the beginning of college he was becoming a huge fan of rock band Pink Floyd and was amazed by the lyrics of Roger Waters. Then in his English Literature classes Charlie felt like the poems that were been taught were some of the best he had ever read, and due to having a fantastic teacher whose passion for these poems got Charlie very inspired to start writing. Charlie started writing poetry last year when a friend asked him to write songs for his band. Charlie submitted several songs to them, but all were rejected on the grounds that they were more poetry than lyrics. Thus Charlie not wanting to waste what he had done rewrote the lyrics to become even more like poetry. I accidentally stumbled upon this website one day, and as Charlie's friend and editor of his work, decided to submit the poetry he had given me to read.

The poems Charlie prefers to read himsel..
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