Denis Martindale Poems

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Mark's Gospel

Chosen by God and Jesus Christ, Mark learnt to pray and preach
Of all Lord Jesus sacrificed, such truths Mark learnt to teach...

And those who listened to God's Word and to the prayers Mark prayed

Our Precious Privilege Of Prayer!

The privilege of holy prayer
Commends us to believe,
Rewarding us each time we share
With what we then receive.

The Eye Of The Tiger!

Two tiger paintings that I bought
Arrived one sunny day,
So by excitement I was caught,
Unpacking straight away...

A Legion Of Lions!

The artist sketches some lions,
Gets better time by time,
Shows their stern growls of defiance,
Their strength when in their prime...

The Primary Purpose Of Prayer!

I don't pray to the saints we had, departed from this Earth,
Nor hope that they would make me glad, nor seek to prove my worth.

I don't pray to my friends who lived, as equal to the Lord,

I Love To Write!

I love to write by day and night, it makes me feel alive,
With some new poem in plain sight that I must help survive...
It lies there dangling on each line, as fluid as the sea,
Till I improve it by design, it's not quite poetry...

Loneliest Man In The World...

My birthday's soon, just weeks to go,
Yes, less than forty days
And only God above to know
Of how the future plays...

Exquisite Feline Grace

Black panther creature, slim and sleek,
As slinky, silky lace,
You move with style, as if unique,
As if with feline grace...

How Many Tigers?

How many tigers will exist
A hundred years from now?
How many tigers will persist
Surviving Man somehow?

Lurking Lobo!

The lurking Lobo wolf stood there,
Impatiently again,
For hunger drove him to despair,
As it did now and then...

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