Dr John Celes Poems

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Wbw 2015, Cme At Kfmsr, Cbe

Theme: ‘Breastfeeding and work, let’s make it work’

If women don’t breastfeed children,
Then precious lives could well get lost;

Sonnet: God's Will Will Be Done

Let life on earth be eked as per God’s will;
We ought to know the purpose of our birth;
We needn't perform our duties like a drill;
With love for man, God made the only earth.

A Thanksgiving To Doctors Globally

An apple a day, may keep the doctor away;
But only the human doctor can be humane;
Doctors are like demi-gods today,
Offering hope of cure and freedom from pain.

Happy Doctors Day, O Physician!

O let the red carnations
Remind the global nations
Of a flower growing everywhere –
The doctor, rare and beyond compare.

Sonnet: ’tis Heyday For The Corrupt Globally

The wind of corruption is blowing hard
In politics and spheres we come across;
Its ill-effects are hurting every bard,
And proves to be for all, a burden/cross.

The Modern World Will Hardly Change

I help the people all around,
But they don’t know my worth;
I do good deeds without a sound
And praise my unique birth.

Sonnet: When Birthday Comes…

Each birthday makes one older aged;
You must not feel a bird-like, caged;
For, wisdom, experience in life,
Must help you prudently in strife.

Sonnet: Gospel Of St.Mark Chapter 7: Verses 1-8

The laws of land are good to discipline;
The traditions are good to follow well;
So is the custom of circumcision;
Both rituals and good practices are swell.

Sonnet: Predicament

The present world is treacherous and bad;
The root of all evil is corruption;
Election promises may make all glad;
But are they carried out from inception?

Sonnet: Bare Facts Of Life

Whose earthly life’s beset with problems not?
Which road or lane quite long is always straight?
Which mountain range is neither cold nor hot?
Which place on earth has only love, no hate?

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