Edwina Reizer Poems

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You'Re My Sunshine

Sunshine, you're my sunshine
and without you nothing's right.
You warm me like the sunshine
when I see you in my sight.

Sound Waves

You want to have fear?
Listen to what you hear
emanating on sound waves
approaching your ear.

A Closed Book

A book unopened
leaves words to die.
A book unopened
leaves words to lie

Emotional Loss

Some drink to take away pain.
Some eat and try to forget.
Some think and try to just stay sane.
Some cry big tears so wet.


Why is it that man looks great
even with a bald pate?
And a woman’s crowning glory
usually has an early date

America, My America

America, my America land of liberty,
what can you say has happened to thee?
Can you still say with pride
just how you feel?

Lost Youth

The glorious days of youth don't last.
We play. We laugh and when it's passed
we wonder why it slipped away?
And when was that, on which day?

Laugh Out Loud

Have we lost our sense of humor?
We must laugh on every day.
For without laughter life is dull
Like a stage without a play.

'Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas
When all through my house
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse.

Ode To Dreams

No one can see into my dreams
and so they're mine alone.
I travel places and meet old friends
and some I've never known.

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